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Articles in Caffeine

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How different are Blue and Red Panadol?
Panadol is a group of products sharing the common ingredient paracetamol. Depending on the formulation and additional ingredients, Panadol medications are classified into different types with varying effects and indications
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Panadol Extra: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
Panadol Extra contains paracetamol, an antipyretic and analgesic, and caffeine, an analgesic that enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol.
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10 Foods to Avoid After Bowel Resection Surgery
Bowel resection is a procedure performed to remove a diseased or obstructed portion of the large intestine. After surgery, not all patients are fully aware of what they can and cannot eat. Certain foods, if consumed, may irritate the patient’s intestines or exacerbate post-surgical complications. Below is a guide on foods to avoid and dietary recommendations for patients following bowel resection surgery.
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Is Coffee Mixed with Lemon Good?
A recent trend has emerged focusing on the potential health benefits of drinking coffee combined with lemon. Many people believe this beverage formula can burn fat, aid in weight loss, and alleviate diarrhea. In reality, both coffee and lemon are scientifically proven to offer various health benefits, but is combining them truly beneficial?
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6 causes of hand twitching
Hand twitching is a common phenomenon, which can only occur for a few moments, but can also last longer. So what causes hand twitching?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics