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Articles in Caffeine

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Alertness Aid: Uses, indications and precautions when using
There are many measures to help the body stay awake, in which the use of drugs is a quite effective option. Alertness Aid drug is one of the drugs that help users become more awake, anti-drowsy very effectively. So what is the anti-drowsy drug Alertness Aid?
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What is the difference between red and blue panadol?
Panadol is a group of products that share the same ingredient paracetamol. Depending on the dosage form and other active ingredients present in the drug, Panadol drugs are distinguished into different classes of action and indications.
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Panadol Extra: Uses, dosages and side effects
Panadol Extra contains paracetamol which is an antipyretic and analgesic and caffeine which enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol.
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Interactions between caffeine and drugs
Caffeine is an active ingredient in many foods and is also an ingredient in many pain relievers. Caffeine interacts to varying degrees with many drugs, so patients need to be very careful when using it.
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Drug Dvorah: Uses, indications and precautions when using
What is dvorah and what does dvorah do? Dvorah is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Dvorah is a combination of an opioid pain reliever (dihydrocodeine), a non-opioid analgesic and antipyretic (acetaminophen), and caffeine (increased pain relief, especially for certain types of headaches).
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Esgic drugs: Uses, indications and notes when using
Esgic contains acetaminophen, barbiturates, and a caffeine pain reliever combination. Esgic is effective for the treatment of tension headaches in adult and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older. However, long-term use of Esgic is not recommended, easily leading to the risk of drug abuse as well as the risk of liver toxicity due to acetaminophen overdose.
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Excedrin: Uses, indications and notes when using
Excedrin drug is a combination of many drug groups together including Aspirin, Acetaminophen and Caffeine, which temporarily relieve pain in diseases such as muscle pain, toothache, menstrual pain... The drug is indicated in: There are many different cases and it is important to note some possible side effects when using Excedrin
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Some things to know about Caffeine
A caffeine overdose occurs when you get too much of this energy source through drinks, foods, or medications. However, some people are able to use more than the recommended daily amount per day with no problem. This is not recommended as high doses of caffeine can cause some serious health problems such as irregular heartbeat and seizures.
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Uses of Optanado
Optanado contains the active ingredients paracetamol and caffeine. Paracetamol is used to provide quick and effective temporary pain relief in headaches, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, joint pain, toothaches, migraines. In addition, paracetamol also has antipyretic effect. Besides, the caffeine component in Optanado also has an analgesic effect and also increases the effectiveness of paracetamol.
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Uses of Colocol
Colocol extra is an effective pain reliever and fever reducer thanks to the combination of two main ingredients, Paracetamol and Caffeine, commonly indicated for the treatment of mild and moderate pain. Colocol pain relievers are not used properly, at the right dose, ... can cause some unwanted effects during use. The article below helps you get more information needed to use the drug appropriately and limit the risks when taking it.
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Can drinking coffee prevent gallstones?
Coffee is a delicious, attractive and even addictive drink for many people. Drinking coffee has a number of health benefits such as helping the brain stay awake, enhancing intellectual activities, bringing positive psychological refreshment... Besides, drinking coffee every day also brings good health benefits. It also has many other benefits, including preventing the formation of gallstones.
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