Home Tag Burning stomach

Articles in Burning stomach

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Gastroesophageal reflux, brushing teeth, vomiting, sometimes see a sour taste, burning stomach, how to overcome?
Hi doctor! I have acid reflux, when I brush my teeth, I vomit, sometimes I vomit a sour taste. When I'm hungry, I feel nausea and vomiting, and my stomach feels hot. So the doctor told me to ask for gastric reflux, how to fix my teeth when brushing my teeth. Ask your doctor for advice and answers! Thank you sincerely!
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How is H.Pylori-positive gastric ulcer treated?
Every day, I have a stomach ache and I go to the hospital to get tested, I have an HP stomach ulcer, I take medicine and then I feel no more pain. However, after 2-3 weeks, the abdomen keeps having burning discomfort, bloating, flatulence, discomfort. Doctor let me ask, how to treat H.Pylori-positive stomach ulcers?
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