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Articles in Bleeding after sex

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Is it okay to have red blood after having sex 2 months after giving birth?
I gave birth naturally with a short episiotomy, lochia stopped after 30 days, I had my period again after 10 days, and it stopped after 4 days. From birth to the first time I had sex was 53 days, I felt normal. However, 4 days later, I had sex again and there was a little bright red blood and a slight pain in my lower abdomen. Doctor, can you tell me if having sex and having red blood 2 months after giving birth is okay?
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Bleeding after sex should be wary of vaginal cancer?
It is normal for women to bleed immediately or a few days after having sex for the first time. However, if you have had sex many times and bleed a few days after having sex, it could be a sign of vaginal cancer or some other serious health problem.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics