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Articles in Biological drugs

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Reducing Ulcerative Colitis (UC) - What you should know
Implementing and following the tips below will help patients with ulcerative colitis can be in remission and control of the condition. We can still eat well and lead a healthy life if we know how to build a scientific lifestyle that both treats diseases and improves health.
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Using Imuran to treat ulcerative colitis (UC)
Imuran is an oral medication that can help you manage symptoms of moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, including stomach pain and cramping, diarrhea, and bloody stools.
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When should a biologic agent be chosen for the treatment of Crohn's disease?
Crohn's disease may not be as well known as cancer or heart disease, but it has the potential to take as many lives as these two diseases, if not more. Crohn's is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. The disease usually affects the large and small intestines, although it can wreak havoc on any part of the digestive tract.
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Medicines for people with ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is no less common than peptic ulcer disease in our country. Although both are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drugs for ulcerative colitis are fundamentally not the same as those for peptic ulcers and are almost as well known less than drugs for peptic ulcers. The following article will present about the drugs used in the treatment regimen for ulcerative colitis, invite you to learn.
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What to do to limit hand - foot syndrome during chemotherapy?
Hội chứng bàn tay – chân hay còn gọi là hội chứng Palmar - Plantar Erythrodysesthesia là một tác dụng phụ, có thể xảy ra với một số loại thuốc hóa trị hoặc thuốc sinh học được sử dụng để điều trị bệnh ung thư. Ví dụ, Capecitabine (Xeloda®), 5-Flurouracil (5FU), doxorubicin truyền liên tục, doxorubicin liposomal (Doxil®) và Interleukin-2 liều cao.
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Can Biologics Treat Psoriasis?
Thuốc điều trị vẩy nến đã được nghiên cứu qua nhiều năm. Điều trị bệnh vẩy nến nói riêng, da liễu nói chung đều đã từng khiến các nhà nghiên cứu gặp nhiều khó khăn. Sau đó, các nghiên cứu về tính khả thi của thuốc sinh học được hy vọng mang lại hiệu quả. Dưới đây là một số thông tin về nghiên cứu sử dụng thuốc sinh học điều trị bệnh vẩy nến.
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Biosimilars: Multiple Treatment Options and Innovation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved biosimilars (Biosimilars) to treat conditions such as cancer, Crohn's disease, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis candle. But what exactly are biosimilars?
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