Home Tag Benign murmur

Articles in Benign murmur

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Children with heart murmur: What to prepare when going to the doctor?
Children with heart murmurs are usually benign murmurs that may go away as they grow older. However, a heart murmur is also a warning sign of heart disease.
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Diagnosis and treatment of children with heart murmurs
Heart murmur in children is not a disease but a sign of heart valve disease that the child may have. Knowing the following information will help you better understand the signs so that you can identify the disease early and have timely treatment.
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What does a heart murmur indicate?
During a cardiac exam, in addition to the normal sounds, your doctor may hear sounds similar to air blowing through the mouth of a tube, called a heart murmur. Heart murmur has a benign murmur, but there are cases that warn of some cardiovascular diseases.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics