Home Tag Benign colon polyps

Articles in Benign colon polyps

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I have colon polyps, how long after I have to go back to the doctor?
The purpose of colonoscopy is to detect diseases in the colon and anus, when the patient has symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen, disorders of stool excretion (bloody stools, loose stools), nausea. , vomiting, weight loss, anemia .. but thinking of colon pathology, it is necessary to conduct colonoscopy, colonoscopy is not necessarily performed at any age.
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Is low-grade dysplastic ductal adenoma, is there a risk of high-grade dysplasia of rectal polyps?
I had laparoscopic rectal polypectomy, based on the biopsy results, I was diagnosed histopathologically: low-grade dysplastic ductal adenomas, with small foci of high-grade dysplasia. In addition, during surgery, the doctor said that my polyps were benign. Doctor let me ask: Low-grade dysplastic ductal adenoma, is it dangerous to have small high-grade dysplasia of rectal polyps?
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Diagnosing colon polyps as benign or malignant?
Colon polyps are defined as small, benign tumors shaped like tumors. Most colon polyps are benign. But in some cases they develop into cancerous malignancies. The diagnosis of colon polyps as benign or malignant plays an important role in the treatment of the disease.
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