Home Tag Abdominal ultrasound

Articles in Abdominal ultrasound

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Menstruation 3 times a month is a symptom of what disease?
I have irregular menstruation, 3 times a month and a lot of blood, each time it doesn't stop completely but still flows a little. Before that, my menstrual cycle was long but quite regular, sometimes it was late. I have never had sex before, if I go to the doctor, will it affect my hymen? What disease is it when I have 3 periods in a month a symptom of?
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5 weeks pregnant without embryo and fetal heart okay?
I am 5 weeks pregnant but there is no embryo or fetal heartbeat. I have a history of miscarriage once at 5 weeks. Now, I am very worried about this pregnancy. Doctor, can you tell me if there is no embryo or fetal heartbeat at 5 weeks, is it okay? What should I do to have a healthy pregnancy? Thank you, doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics