Home Tag Abdominal pain in navel area

Articles in Abdominal pain in navel area

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Dull abdominal pain in the umbilicus with nausea is a symptom of what disease?
Hi doctor! Starting from this afternoon, I have symptoms of dull umbilical pain, plus nausea. The doctor told me that dull abdominal pain in the navel area with nausea is a symptom of what disease?
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Dull abdominal pain above navel with nausea
Abdominal pain is a very common phenomenon in all ages, especially those with typical diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and liver. Dull abdominal pain above the navel accompanied by nausea is common in stomach diseases. This article will clarify the association between abdominal pain above nausea and a number of diseases.
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Note when you have abdominal pain on the left side of the navel
Abdominal pain on the left side above the navel with a distinctive character such as sudden, persistent, severe progression of unknown cause can be a sign of illness. The most commonly occurring diseases are intra-abdominal diseases such as diseases of the stomach, spleen, kidneys, heart, lungs, intestinal disorders, etc.
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What is the cause of flatulence in men, sour mouth after eating?
I finished eating or had flatulence, sour mouth, abdominal pain in the navel area, constant bowel movements, going out of water, the water was green sometimes yellow, the water had a fishy smell. So the doctor asked me what is the cause of men's flatulence and sourness after eating? I thank the doctor.
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Burning with lumps in the anus is a sign of what disease?
Recently, I feel anal burning, when I defecate, I see a lump protruding out, there is no blood, the area below the navel feels dull. So, the doctor asked me, what is the sign of burning with lumps in the anus? I thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics