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Tag 36 weeks pregnant
Articles in 36 weeks pregnant
Is the biparietal diameter at 36 weeks 83mm abnormal?
Hello doctor. I am 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My 36-week fetal index is as follows: Biparietal diameter 83mm Abdominal circumference 331mm Femur length 70mm And the baby weighs about 2881g
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36 weeks pregnant, does the length of the femur 62mm have any effect?
I am 36 weeks pregnant with my first child. I went for a check-up and the results showed that my biparietal diameter was 89mm, my weight was 2.7kg, and my femur length was 62mm. Before that, I went for a check-up at 34 weeks and my weight was 2.4kg and my femur length was also 62mm. The doctor said that my femur length was short compared to my gestational age. Today, at 36 weeks, it is still only 62mm, which makes me very worried. No one in my family is dwarf, I am 1m67, and my baby's father is 1m78. So, doctor, can you tell me if a 36-week pregnancy with a femur length of 62mm has any effect?
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Discover the journey of a baby growing up in the womb
You're pregnant. Congratulations! You'll probably spend the next few months wondering how your baby is growing and developing. What will your baby look like? How big is he or she? When will you feel your baby move?
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Weight and development of the fetus in the last 3 months
Weight by week is one of the criteria to evaluate the health and development of the fetus. The weight of the fetus in the last 3 months often increases more rapidly to prepare for the birth process.
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