Home Tag 1 month old baby

Articles in 1 month old baby

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How long after birth can newborn babies sunbathe?
Sunbathing helps newborns absorb sunlight, produce enough vitamin D for the body, reduce rickets, and treat neonatal jaundice. 7 to 10 days after birth is the ideal time for mothers to gradually introduce their babies to sunlight.
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What time should a newborn sunbathe?
In addition to tips for properly sunbathing newborns, many parents wonder about the appropriate times for sunbathing newborns. It is generally recommended to sunbathe babies before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
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Breast Milk in Children's Eyes: Don't Do It Arbitrarily
Breast milk not only provides the optimal nutrition for infants and young children but also offers protective immunity that no other product can replace. Many mothers believe that putting breast milk in the eyes can effectively treat eye infections such as conjunctivitis. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting this use of breast milk, but no scientific evidence has been proven.
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