Why when the weather changes, children cough a lot, difficult to finish?

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In terms of medicine, coughing is a necessary reflex to protect the body, when there are elements entering the airways, breathing will stimulate the child to cough. In the process of daily living, there are many factors that can enter the airways, causing children to cough to expel foreign objects.

In particular, if the child has an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus, a seasonal disease, the child is also at risk of coughing. Parents need to pay attention to follow up to know when a child has a cough that can be taken care of, monitored at home, and when to take him to the hospital to be examined and actively treated by a doctor.
In case of cough caused by weather changes, it can be treated at home, and at the same time, limit close contact with cough triggers to reduce airway irritation. Doctors do not recommend giving medicine to children with cough in the first place because coughing is a necessary reflex, unless the cough is due to a medical condition or the cough affects the function of the respiratory system.
Parents need to learn to cope with changes in their children's health, need to understand their children's cough to distinguish when it is a cough due to a change in weather, a cough to expel foreign objects, and when it is a cough. due to seasonal illness or serious illness so that it can be managed appropriately. Do not let yourself lose your temper when a child has a cough, sometimes it is just a normal reaction, so let the child cough so that the body gradually matures and develops.
For children with weak immune systems, when the weather changes, it is very easy to cough due to many and difficult to treat completely. However, if it is a cough caused by weather changes, parents should not be too worried, instead, clean the house thoroughly, keep the child's body warm and limit contact with pathogens to prevent disease. viral and bacterial infections that cause illness and cause a child to have a cough.
In addition, in order to prevent diseases that young children often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
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