Why thinking too much can cause stomach pain?

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Currently, there are many patients suffering from stomach pain problems even though they still adhere to a balanced diet. One of the common causes of stomach pain that few people know about is stress, overthinking. Therefore, avoiding stress can help patients prevent stomach pain.

1. Why can thinking too much cause stomach pain?

Most patients with digestive dysfunction requiring treatment recently have the same risk factors for disease such as unreasonable diet, lack of food hygiene and safety, using Many foods and drinks contain stimulants, stress or stress at work or due to the use of other medical treatment drugs such as diabetes, high blood pressure... In particular, there is one factor among them. There is a very high percentage that it is stress, stress or having to think a lot that leads to stomach pain.
Nerves that govern the functioning of the stomach include 2 different systems, the autonomic nervous system and the vegetative nervous system. Under normal conditions, the autonomic nervous system will work and coordinate the functions of the stomach. However, under the influence of other motivating factors (such as mental overload, anxiety, overthinking, stress, prolonged stress...) will lead to animal nervous system functioning. excessive follow. The final consequence is to stimulate the autonomic nervous system, thereby stimulating the stomach to increase the secretion of digestive juices, the most important of which is gastric juice containing a lot of acid.
Because the source of excess acid combined with the patient's empty stomach, the empty stomach will increase the risk of ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux with the outward manifestation of stomach pain.
The human digestive tract is innervated, controlled mainly by the vagus nerve or the X nerve. This system is made up of numerous nerves that exchange signals with the central nervous system. Stress or thinking will stimulate the central nervous system, thereby leading to a decrease in blood flow to the digestive organs (including the stomach), affecting the contractions of the tube. digestion and reduce the secretion of necessary digestive juices. The final consequence is that the gastrointestinal tract activity is stopped, the patient may have stomach pain, indigestion or nausea, vomiting. In addition, prolonged stress or stress causes stomach pain because of its ability to activate the inflammatory response of the digestive system and increase the risk of infection, especially infection with H.

Stomach pain due to stress may also be accompanied by abnormalities in other parts of the digestive tract:
Stress increases spasm of the smooth muscles of the esophagus; Stress affects colon function with unusual signs such as diarrhea or constipation. However, not all cases of stress, anxiety or overthinking will lead to peptic ulcer or colitis. But in general, the above mental disorders will more or less affect the digestive function, especially if the stress is prolonged, the inflammation of the stomach will inevitably occur.

Đau dạ dày do căng thẳng, suy nghĩ nhiều thường gặp trong cuộc sống hiện nay
Đau dạ dày do căng thẳng, suy nghĩ nhiều thường gặp trong cuộc sống hiện nay

2. Signs of stomach pain caused by stress

Signs of gastritis due to stress, stress, thinking often start with transient signs and quickly progress to seriousness:
Patients often start with indigestion symptoms after eating and drinking. ; Appear symptoms of heartburn, heartburn with increasing frequency; Patients often have transient stomach pain; Burning sensation in the epigastrium. Diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease or peptic ulcer disease... have a very high incidence in the current population. However, the symptoms of the disease are often atypical such as heartburn, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing or prolonged cough... so it is easy for patients to be subjective and miss.
The early stage of the disease is still mild, so the patient thinks that this is just a normal digestive disorder and is not self-conscious to change living habits, eating habits or taking measures to reduce stress, stress... At this time, in most cases, the patient's body will self-regulate the disorder, the disease is only transient and self-healing. However, when lifestyle habits or life pressures, stress, and long-term thinking lead to frequent stomach pain without being diagnosed, treatment can lead to physical damage, making it difficult to definitive treatment.
Specifically, when digestive disorders that are not treated for a long time will become a pathological spiral, patients with stomach pain due to stress will become more and more stressed, from which the level of stomach pain will increase. is also becoming more and more serious. Besides, stomach pain caused by stress also has other effects such as:
Reflux of gastric juice into the oral cavity causing enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity or chronic pharyngitis; Prolonged untreated erosive esophagitis can progress to dysplasia and sometimes precancerous lesions appear; Acute gastritis is effectively treated, but when the chronic stage changes, the treatment becomes difficult.

Đau dạ dày do căng thẳng suy nghĩ nhiều gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người bệnh
Đau dạ dày do căng thẳng suy nghĩ nhiều gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người bệnh

3. Avoid prolonged stress causing stomach pain

According to experts, the stomach function will be healthy and work smoothly when factors such as stress, overthinking are eliminated. The following precautions can be taken by the patient:
The best recommended stress-induced stomachache prevention is exercise. Physical activities have the ability to reduce stress, and also stimulate the secretion of Endorphins, an active substance capable of reducing stress and improving mood effectively; Relaxation therapy: Chronic cases of stomach upset benefit greatly from relaxation therapies such as yoga, hypnosis, meditation, muscle relaxation, and the use of music. One reliable study showed that people with stomach pain caused by prolonged stress experienced a significant reduction in symptoms with relaxation therapy; Talk to a therapist: A trained therapist can help people with effective stress coping strategies. In which the method of using behavioral therapy helps patients perceive, teaches them new skills to cope with stress; Change your diet, limit foods that are harmful to your stomach. Absolutely do not deal with stress by binge eating or habitual snacking. The digestive system and stomach will be very pleased with a balanced diet, lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, limited fat, alcohol and stimulants. In addition to having a reasonable diet, avoiding stress can help you prevent stomach pain. In case the patient has performed these methods but the stomach pain does not improve and has more serious signs, it is best to go to a reputable medical facility for timely examination and treatment.

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