Home Tag Infection with HP bacteria

Articles in Infection with HP bacteria

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Abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal pain when full is a sign of what disease?
I have a stomach ache every now and then. Whenever I am hungry, I have a dull ache in my abdomen above my navel. When I eat, I feel full quickly, after eating, I feel bloated, like gas and pain in the right abdomen above the navel. Doctor, let me ask you, what is the sign of stomach pain, bloating, abdominal pain when full and dull pain when hungry?
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Swallowing problems, bloating, belching after eating are HP bacteria?
I swallowed saliva stuck in the throat and bloated, sharp pain under the neck, feeling tired after eating, a little difficult to breathe, my stomach kept hurting. After eating for a few hours, I burp up the food I had earlier.
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Is it okay to drink anti-HP drugs with diarrhea and fatigue?
I have belching, nausea in the morning, my stomach always feels hungry, last year's endoscopy had gastritis. I went to the doctor for a positive HP result, the doctor gave me a drug to kill HP. After taking it for a day, I couldn't stand it, had diarrhea all day, so I stopped taking it. The doctor asked me if I have diarrhea and fatigue when taking anti-HP drugs?
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How to treat duodenal ulcer, diet and exercise like?
I have an anterior duodenal bulb with a 1cm ulcer. The gastric mucosa is heavily congested. Please advise me how to treat duodenal ulcer, diet and exercise like? Looking forward to your advice, thank you.
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Why thinking too much can cause stomach pain?
Currently, there are many patients suffering from stomach pain problems even though they still adhere to a balanced diet. One of the common causes of stomach pain that few people know about is stress, overthinking. Therefore, avoiding stress can help patients prevent stomach pain.
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Note to choose food for people infected with stomach HP bacteria
Helicobacter pylori causes 90% of peptic ulcers and 80% of gastric ulcers. It is the prevalence of this type of bacteria that makes many people feel worried. However, this bacteria can be directly influenced by the diet. Therefore, it is possible to use some special foods capable of killing HP bacteria in the stomach.
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How is HP infection treated?
Hi doctor. I have an ulcer in the stomach area and infected with HP virus. I've been to the doctor and treated twice, but each time I went to the doctor and got treatment because I couldn't afford it, I didn't go back to the doctor to prescribe more medicine. Now the HP virus is still there. Squeezing my stomach is very painful.
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What are the signs and symptoms of Hp infection?
Please advise me what are the signs and symptoms of Hp infection?
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How early to know if stomach cancer?
Stomach cancer is a phenomenon in which the normal structural cells of the stomach become abnormal, mutate and proliferate uncontrollably, invade nearby tissues or metastasize through the system. lymph nodes, as the cells grow, lead to the formation of malignancies.
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How to prevent stomach cancer
Stomach cancer is a malignant lesion that develops from the layers of the stomach wall. Usually the mucosal layer is the most likely site to develop malignant lesions. According to Globocan-2018, in Vietnam, the number of new gastric cancer patients is 17,527, accounting for 10.6% of new cancer cases, ranking fourth after liver cancer and lung cancer.
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Complications of stomach cancer
In Vietnam, stomach cancer is the third leading cause of death in both women and men. Stomach cancer is often detected late and many complications appear at this stage.
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