Why taking antidote to the liver is itchy?

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All drugs have uses and side effects, including seemingly necessary and innocuous drugs such as liver detoxifiers. Excessive use of liver detoxifiers can lead to a variety of side effects ranging from mild to severe, possibly even harming your own liver.

1. When to detox the liver?

The liver plays a major role in most of the metabolism and excretion of substances including food, drinks, drugs or other substances from outside entering the body. Therefore, protecting the liver is extremely important to help maintain and protect health.
However, the liver can be weakened due to various causes such as exposure to toxins, diseases. This not only damages the liver but also reduces the functions of the liver including the liver's detoxification and excretion functions. When these processes are affected, toxins that are not eliminated will accumulate in the liver, cross the protective barrier and enter the body. At this time, the body will appear symptoms such as itching, pimples, jaundice or loss of appetite ...
To balance the body's activities, protect and reduce the load on the liver, people often think to liver detoxification methods. Liver detoxification is a method to help the liver enhance its ability to excrete and eliminate toxins by acting on foods, drinks, drugs, functional foods or physical activities.

2. The sea appears after taking the antidote to the liver

Liver detoxifier is one of the commonly chosen methods of liver detoxification. However, every drug is a double-edged sword and even good medicine should not be abused. If used too much, the liver detoxifier can lead to some side effects such as:
Increase the burden on the liver
Like any substance when entering the body, it also forces the liver to work to break it down into an unhealthy substance. toxic and converted into beneficial substances. Therefore, when there is a weakened liver condition, liver function is reduced, the simultaneous and continuous addition of large amounts of drugs, even if it is an antidote, also makes the liver work harder, causing liver failure. weak. Along with increasing the burden on the liver, the body also suffers many effects such as fatigue, paleness, vomiting, stomach cramps.
Damage to the liver
Although it is an antidote to the liver, seemingly harmless and completely beneficial, in the composition of the drug there are chemicals that are synthesized and harmful to the liver, typically Methionine .
Methionine substance reduces the liver - intestinal folic acid cycle and reduces the metabolic function of the liver. When using drugs containing methionine in large doses or for a long time can cause folic acid deficiency or megaloblastic anemia. In particular, this condition often occurs in people with cirrhosis of the liver or alcoholism.
Besides, high dose or prolonged use of Methionine can increase blood homocysteine ​​and homocysteine ​​​​uria, aggravate atherosclerosis, thereby increasing the risk of thromboembolism. Symptoms of mental retardation or osteoporosis have also been reported with an overdose of methionine. Therefore, when using methionine-containing liver detoxification drugs, users should consult their doctors and use them according to the recommended dose and time.
Decreased liver function
Drugs that help detoxify the liver are only a temporary solution, helping to support the liver in clearing heat and detoxifying. Indiscriminate use of drugs, at the wrong time or using too many liver tonics at the same time, on the contrary, brings more harm to the liver and to the body, from which liver function gradually declines.

3. Why do liver detoxifiers itch?

There are several reasons why users experience side effects such as boils, itching when using liver antidote including:
Allergy to the ingredients in the drug
As well as different drugs, antidote Hepatotoxicity can also have ingredients that cause allergies, rashes, and pimples on the skin that cause itching, especially in people with sensitive and sensitive terrain. Therefore, before using any drug including liver antidote, users also need to check the ingredients in the drug and consult a doctor to limit this situation.
Disturbance in the elimination process
On a weakened liver, the addition of a large amount of liver antidote makes the liver function even weaker, thereby accumulating many toxins, while the liver is not controlled is eliminated, leading to acne on the skin or causing itching. This may be considered normal at first, if liver function improves after that. However, if the liver does not recover, plus the side effects from the liver antidote can make the itching and pimples worse.
Unscientific diet
Along with taking a liver detox, users also need to pay attention to a scientific menu, ensure enough nutrients, limit greasy, hot spicy dishes, or substances stimulation to reduce liver damage. If this is not ensured, it is likely to cause symptoms of itching, acne because of foods that are not good for the liver.

4. Solution for itching caused by taking antidote to the liver

Users can apply some of the following measures to reduce itching during the use of liver antidote.
4.1. If the patient determines that the ingredients in the medicine are the reason for the rash, then you need to stop taking and continue to monitor the rash. In case the itching symptoms subside after stopping the drug, you can change to another drug according to the doctor's instructions. Conversely, if the itching does not improve or worsens, the patient should go to the hospital for examination.
4.2. Ensure a healthy diet and activities A scientific menu along with a healthy lifestyle not only helps to limit and improve itching, but also helps the liver to recover quickly. Users should apply the following activities:
Make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Add foods rich in fiber and vitamin C. Abstain from using tobacco, stimulants such as alcohol, alcoholic beverages. Increase foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3, 6, 9. Actively exercise and exercise Avoid stress, tension and should not stay up late. 4.3. Use herbs to cool the liver, reduce itching Some benign herbs have the ability to clear heat, detoxify, and cool the liver that users can use such as chlorophyll, bile, artichoke and prickly pear.
In summary, like other drugs, antidote to the liver also has side effects and affects the liver if used in excess. Therefore, before using any drug, users should consult with their doctor to understand the uses, side effects and notes for safe and effective treatment.

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