Why is brain aneurysm dangerous?

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Cerebral aneurysm is one of those neurological problems with many serious complications. Therefore, monitoring and treatment of this disease is extremely necessary. So what is a cerebral aneurysm? What are the risks of death from the disease?

1. What is a cerebral aneurysm?

A cerebral aneurysm is a weak area in a blood vessel that expands larger than normal. These aneurysms usually develop at the branching points of the cerebral arteries.
Cerebral aneurysm is often associated with other vascular disorders such as cerebral arteritis, cerebral artery dissection ...
1.1. What causes cerebral aneurysms? The cause of the disease has not been clearly identified, however, the risks that increase the likelihood of the disease are:
Excessive emotions such as too sad, too angry... will increase blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of disease. ruptured aneurysm. Blood thinners such as warfarin, some drugs with stimulant effects such as ephedrine, amphetamine, cocaine... Vascular trauma or brain injury... Complications from blood infections. Congenital - hereditary. Smoking... 1.2. Symptoms of Cerebral Aneurysm Disease only appears when a blood vessel ruptures. Depending on the extent of blood leakage, there may be some manifestations such as:
Severe headache, lasting from a few hours to a few days; Nausea and vomiting; Drowsiness, coma... Also, bleeding can damage the brain directly, which is called a hemorrhagic stroke. This can manifest as:
Weakness or paralysis of an arm/leg. Limited ability to express or understand language. Vision problems. Convulsions...

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Mạch máu bị vỡ có thể gây ra tình trạng đột quỵ xuất huyết

2. Worrying numbers about cerebral aneurysms

According to statistics, every year there are about 500,000 deaths from cerebral aneurysms worldwide and half of them are in the group of people under the age of 50. Along with that, about 15% of people have broken blood vessels due to cerebral aneurysms before they can be taken to the hospital, most of which come from sudden brain trauma.
People between the ages of 35 and 60 are most often affected by cerebral aneurysms, but it can still occur in children. Most cases develop after the age of 40. About 20% of people diagnosed with the disease have more than one damaged blood vessel.

3. Is brain aneurysm dangerous?

The answer is yes!
Cerebral aneurysm is a silent disease that develops with the wear and tear of cerebral arteries throughout a person's life. Occasionally, serious head injuries or infections will also lead to the development of an aneurysm.
When a blood vessel ruptures, the mortality rate is up to 40% and the chance of serious brain damage is 66%, even if the disease is treated.
Among them, vasospasm (irritated by leaking blood causing narrowing of blood vessels) is one of the common complications when aneurysms rupture. This increases the risk of brain damage. Other problems from brain aneurysms can be:
Hydrocephalus. Shortness of breath and need for mechanical ventilation. Infection... When an aneurysm ruptures, blood will enter the brain and surrounding space, causing direct damage to brain tissue as well as severely affecting brain function. The degree of damage is often related to the amount of blood, as the more blood from the broken vessel, the more pressure increases and inflammation in the brain tissue appears, or because of local damage...
Blood from the broken vessel can ability to damage normal blood vessels, causing blood vessel constriction. This disrupts normal blood flow to healthy brain tissues, causing severe brain damage. This is an ischemic stroke.

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Phình mạch máu não có nguy cơ lớn dẫn đến tử vong

4. How to treat cerebral aneurysm?

Cerebral aneurysm is usually treated with several methods.
4.1 Medical treatment For small brain aneurysms and less likely to rupture (or rupture but not cause significant symptoms), doctors will treat medically, monitor blood pressure - cholesterol and other health conditions according to each examination.
4.2 Surgery The indication for surgery will depend on the extent of the patient's cerebral aneurysm. However, as with many other types of surgery, surgery for a brain aneurysm can involve many risks such as:
Changes in behavior and mood due to nerve injury. Brain swelling, infection. Vision and voice problems. In fact, in most cases, the health risks posed by cerebral aneurysms will far outweigh the risks to the patient associated with surgical treatment. sick.
As can be seen, cerebral aneurysm is a silent disease and develops over time. However, this is the cause of many neurological complications, especially stroke, and has a high risk of death. Please really carefully monitor your health if you are experiencing this problem.
You should build a healthy lifestyle, regularly exercise, strengthen the body's resistance and avoid stress. Don't forget to check your health regularly for appropriate adjustments.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages for many different subjects. You can choose a package that suits your needs such as:
Children's General Health Checkup Standard General Health Checkup Comprehensive General Health Checkup Special General Health Checkup VIP General Health Checkup General health Diamond To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
Reference source: healthline.com; aans.org, stroke.org
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