Why is bathing at night easy to cause stroke?

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In some temperate countries like Korea, European countries, in the cold season, the number of people having a stroke increases compared to the hot season. This proves that the weather factor is related to people having a stroke. The sudden or rapid change in temperature also causes the body to react, making the patient more likely to have a stroke when bathing at night.

Video content is consulted by Specialist Doctor I Dao Duy Khoa - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International Hospital

People who have a stroke have 2 types:
Brain hemorrhage: Broken blood vessel in the brain; Cerebral vascular occlusion: Cerebral infarction. Linking night bathing and cold showering cannot directly cause cerebral blood vessel rupture or cerebral infarction. However, the night bath, cold shower causes sudden or rapid temperature fluctuations, which causes the body to react and affect blood pressure or underlying disease and causes the patient to have a stroke because of the night bath or the stroke night.
Bad habits such as: Sudden temperature changes, too cold weather, night bathing... can't essentially cause people to have a stroke, but can indirectly affect them through other factors. , affecting general health and causing stroke, leading many people to mistakenly believe that they have a stroke because of bathing at night or bathing at night of stroke.
In the elderly, there are many underlying diseases that are prone to stroke such as blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis...
The frequency of stroke occurs in the elderly more than in the young, However, recently, the rate of young people having a stroke has been increasing.
People who have had a stroke without warning signs, not only bathing the night of the stroke, but also can happen while eating, working, talking... all of a sudden, just a few seconds ago can still speak It's normal, but a few seconds later, he has hemiplegia, let's talk...
To prevent a stroke, the most important thing is to prevent and control the risk of underlying diseases that lead to a stroke before waiting for a stroke. stroke signs.
>> See also: Nattou Ichou health food by Pharmacist, Master Pham Thi Kim Dung - Pharmacist Mixing drugs - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
When seeing or suspecting people My body had a stroke because of a night bath or for some other reason, it needs to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. If the patient is given emergency treatment at the right time for stroke, timely blood circulation, the recovery efficiency will be higher.
When giving first aid to someone who has had a stroke, do not arbitrarily treat a stroke patient, even with acupressure, acupuncture, or wind blows because these movements can aggravate the condition and waste time. Gold treatment. Do not give food or drink to stroke patients and prevent regurgitation, it is very dangerous for patients to breathe vomit or food into their airways. Do not arbitrarily use antihypertensive drugs, only use antihypertensive drugs when blood pressure is > 220/120 mmHg and do not use sublingual antihypertensive drugs.

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