Why eating duck eggs can make children retarded?

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Duck eggs are nutritious food, but at what level, when can the body absorb maximum nutrition. Why are foods rich in nutrients but slow in growth? Doctor - Nutritionist Ho Thu Mai - Vinmec International General Hospital has scientific explanations. Dear doctor, there are opinions on social networks that children with duck eggs are prone to bloating and digestive disorders; even retarded, is this true?
In my opinion, children under 5 years old should not eat duck eggs because their digestive systems are not yet fully developed, easily leading to bloating, digestive disorders, which are very harmful to health. Children from 5 years old and above should only eat 1⁄2 eggs at a time, 1-2 times a week is enough (1/2 duck eggs is equivalent to 4-5 quail eggs). In addition, eating scrambled eggs regularly causes excess vitamin A. Vitamin A is soluble in fat, so when in excess, they accumulate under the skin, the liver causes yellowing of the skin, peeling of the epidermis, affecting the formation of bones, making children develop incompletely.
TS - Doctor Ho Thu Mai has many years of experience in consulting and guiding nutrition for children and adults
Besides children under 5 years old, are there other subjects who should not eat this dish? People with high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, fatty liver, heart disease, gout... should abstain or not eat a lot of duck eggs, avoid artery blockage, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke . Pregnant women who eat duck eggs should not use them with laksa leaves because they can cause bleeding and miscarriage. So, with this dish, when and how much should be eaten to be healthy? Should eat duck eggs in the morning, avoid eating in the evening because the nutritional content in it is high, so it is an indigestible dish, if you eat eggs in the evening, when you go to bed, you will be uncomfortable, sometimes leading to discomfort. to flatulence, not digestible. Because it is a very nutritious and nutritious dish, eating duck eggs every day can increase blood cholesterol, which is the cause of cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, diabetes. As I said above, eating a lot and often this dish also causes the body to have an excess of vitamin A, yellowing the skin, peeling the skin, adversely affecting bone formation. Therefore, each healthy adult should only eat 2 duck eggs per week. Dear doctor, why should duck eggs be eaten with laksa leaves and ginger? According to Oriental medicine, laksa leaves have a pungent taste, a strong aroma, a warm nature, a warming effect on the abdomen, anti-flatulence, antiseptic, and a cooling effect. Lettuce also has the effect of brightening the eyes, beneficial to the mind, strengthening the bones, avoiding cold stomach, heatstroke... Therefore, what everyone can see is that laksa leaves (sometimes people eat more ginger) will help. For people who eat duck/quail eggs, they don't have cold stomach, flatulence, and digestive problems. In addition, eating laksa leaves with duck eggs / quail has the ability to reduce sexual desire from the effect of duck eggs, bringing balance of yin and yang to the body. More about ginger: Fresh ginger has the effect of stimulating digestion, strengthening the heart, detoxifying food, combating sexual dysfunction... used to stimulate digestion, cure cold stomach, flatulence, colic, poor eating, muscle cramps (cramps), diarrhea. Balut eggs are the gods, which have the effect of cultivating yin, nourishing blood, benefiting intelligence, brightening eyes, and helping the body to grow quickly. Therefore, eating duck eggs with laksa leaves and ginger is an ingenious combination in folklore and is considered as a remedy for anemia, weakness, stunting, headache, dizziness, and physiological weakness. ...
Balut eggs is one of the popular but nutritious snacks in Vietnam
Doctor, can duck eggs really help skinny people gain weight as many people think? Duck eggs are one of the popular but nutritious snacks in Vietnam. One duck egg provides 182 kcal of energy; 13.6 grams of protein; 12.4 grams of lipids; 82 mg calcium; 212 grams of phosphorus and 600 mg of cholesterol. There is also a lot of beta carotene, vitamins of group A, group B and vitamin C, iron... However, if you eat a lot of duck eggs for the purpose of gaining weight, you do not eat enough other nutrients and diet. If the part is not balanced, it is difficult to gain weight. Thank you doctor!

Dr - Doctor Ho Thu Mai has many years of experience in consulting and guiding nutrition for children and adults; implementing nutrition activities at the facility. At Vinmec Hospital, Dr. Ho Thu Mai will consult, examine and advise on nutrition on weekdays, except Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

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