Why does the skin sag? What to do if the skin is saggy?

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Trying to lose weight fast can make it easier for your skin to sag from the loss of fat. This condition can occur on the face, abdomen, calves, biceps. In addition, there are many other causes of sagging skin. So what should you do if the skin is sagging? Let's find out in the article below!

1. Sagging skin condition

Sagging skin is a condition in which the skin loses its inherent firmness and elasticity and becomes loose. This condition is caused by a decrease or loss of collagen and elastin in the dermis. Sagging skin can occur in both men and women and vary in age. But the condition is more common in middle-aged and elderly people.
Uneven skin condition is difficult to treat at home. However, with the advancement of medicine, you will have effective skin tightening options from over-the-counter products to surgical solutions.

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Tình trạng da không săn chắc rất khó điều trị tại nhà

2. What causes sagging skin?

Common areas of skin prone to sagging include: eyelids, chin, neck, biceps, abdomen, buttocks... The causes of sagging skin are as follows:
2.1. Aging Over time, the skin loses two important proteins produced in the dermis, elastin and collagen. In it, lastin brings elasticity to the skin, helping the skin to be firm. Collagen is produced by fibroblasts. Collagen is composed of tightly structured fibers, which help the skin maintain its structure and firmness.
Both of these components will gradually degrade or disappear as the body ages. These two proteins can also be lost by external factors over time such as:
UV exposure Environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke Unhealthy lifestyle Poor nutrition Care cycle skin care is not guaranteed 2.2. Weight loss Being overweight can damage the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Therefore, even if you lose weight, it will be more difficult to tighten your skin. At the same time, causing sagging skin.
2.3. Pregnancy After pregnancy and childbirth, most women experience some degree of sagging and loose skin. Women who have had multiple births or are pregnant with multiples may notice more sagging skin around the abdomen than those carrying one child. The older you get pregnant, the more prone to sagging skin.

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Mang thai ở độ tuổi càng cao càng dễ bị chảy xệ da
2.4. Medical conditions Certain medical conditions can cause sagging skin People with this condition will notice sagging skin on the elbows and knees. Sagging skin caused by saggy granulomas usually doesn't respond well to treatment.
2.5. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Another condition that causes sagging skin is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This is a rare inherited connective tissue disorder. People with EDS have a defect in collagen production that results in sagging and flabby skin on the face.

3. Treatment of sagging skin

Treatment should depend on the condition of the sagging skin. Before deciding on treatment options you should consider the following factors:
Areas of the body that sag The degree of sagging Your attitude to this sagging Here are some methods to improve Improve or definitively treat sagging skin:
3.1. Exercise Sagging skin caused by weight loss or pregnancy can be improved through exercise. Any movement that builds muscle mass or tones muscle can reduce minor skin sagging. Example:
Lifting weights or doing resistance exercises Pilates is also known as control. Pilates uses controlled movements to tighten and strengthen the core, glutes, legs, and arms. Facial exercises: Facial exercises can reduce sagging skin around the chin, wrinkles, and throat. Some yoga exercises that are beneficial for reducing facial sagging include: Simhasana (Lion Pose). 3.2. Supplements Oral supplements contain ingredients like collagen and hyaluronic acid to help reduce age-related sagging skin.

Các chất bổ sung bằng đường uống có chứa các thành phần như collagen và axit hyaluronic để giúp giảm tình trạng da chảy xệ do tuổi tác
Các chất bổ sung bằng đường uống có chứa các thành phần như collagen và axit hyaluronic để giúp giảm tình trạng da chảy xệ do tuổi tác
3.3. Topical treatment Creams, moisturizers, and serums containing ingredients such as retinol can improve elasticity around the eye area and on the face. Both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription products can help. Prescription retinoids like tretinoin and retin-A play a role in promoting collagen production
3.4. Lifestyle changes Saggy skin can be improved when you have a healthy lifestyle such as: drink enough water, apply sunscreen, quit smoking... As a result, you will have a youthful, healthy skin elastic.
3.5. Non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments Non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments can improve the tone and elasticity of sagging skin. This method will be most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle. These procedures are performed by a dermatologist. Specifics:
Laser Therapy: Certain types of laser therapy treatments can help boost collagen production and improve overall skin tone. Most people see the best results after multiple treatments. Laser therapy can be beneficial for tightening the upper arms and abdomen.
Laser resurfacing: The procedure also uses a laser but is more invasive and has a longer recovery time. It usually takes you about two weeks. Laser resurfacing removes the upper layers of skin and transfers heat deep into the lower layers.
Micro-Focused Ultrasound (MFU): This technique transfers heat deep into the layers of the skin, supporting collagen production and lifting sagging skin. It may take several months before you see an improvement in your skin's firmness and elasticity. The effect of this method usually lasts about 1 year.
In addition, procedures to remove loose skin are often recommended after weight loss and body contouring surgery. Body contouring procedures can leave some degree of scarring on areas such as the arms. You can choose to treat one area or multiple areas of your body. Types of body contouring surgery include:
Abdominoplasty Arm surgery Face lift In the end, sagging skin is not a medical condition and is not a problem for everyone. . But in some cases, it can be upsetting or psychologically affecting. Therefore, if you are experiencing severe sagging skin, consult a dermatologist and choose the right treatment.
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Reference source: healthline.com
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