Why does gastrointestinal endoscopy play a big role in early screening for gastrointestinal cancer?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
With the advancement of gastrointestinal endoscopy, the method plays an increasingly important role in early screening for gastrointestinal cancer. Gastrointestinal endoscopy is currently considered one of the most effective screening methods for gastrointestinal cancer.

1. What is gastrointestinal endoscopy?

Endoscopic diagnostic techniques help us to detect many diseases early. Gastrointestinal endoscopy is an endoscopic technique of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract such as the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and colon.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy is the most direct method to diagnose diseases related to the digestive system, especially dangerous diseases such as colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer... Gastrointestinal endoscopy is considered the most accurate diagnostic option.
Gastrointestinal endoscopy is not painful for the patient and does not take too much time to perform. The endoscopic process will take from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the location and endoscopic technique, along with other procedures that may take longer.
The doctor will use an endoscopy device with a camera and light emitting light to conduct a digestive endoscopy. Insert the endoscope into the position to be endoscopy through the mouth, nose, anus.

2. Why does gastrointestinal endoscopy play a big role in early screening for gastrointestinal cancer?

With gastrointestinal endoscopy technique, endoscopists can detect abnormalities occurring in the digestive tract. In the precancerous stage or the cancer is still localized in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient can be completely cured if submucosal resection is performed, and at the same time, the patient's survival time can be prolonged as normal. often.
Some current gastrointestinal endoscopy methods such as:
High-resolution endoscopy: increases the resolution to millions of pixels, making it easier for doctors to observe and achieve higher efficiency than Magnified endoscopy. : it is possible to preliminarily evaluate the areas with cell changes with the new generation endoscope and endoscope. Interventional endoscopic staining for early cancer diagnosis: this technique will help identify the lesion location, identify the characteristics of the lesion, the boundary between the cancerous lesions. Narrow band endoscopy: helps to increase the ability to detect cancer early. increase the ability to detect gastric cancer by combined magnification.... Laser scanning confocal endoscopy: the specificity and sensitivity to distinguish cancer hyperplasia from hyperplasia of other lesions are 100% and 84, respectively. 6%.

Hình ảnh mô tả hai bước sóng ánh sáng áp dụng trong nội soi dải tần hẹp (NBI) cho phép phân tích tốt hơn bề mặt niêm mạc và mạng lưới mao mạch nông
Hình ảnh mô tả hai bước sóng ánh sáng áp dụng trong nội soi dải tần hẹp (NBI) cho phép phân tích tốt hơn bề mặt niêm mạc và mạng lưới mao mạch nông

Depending on the size, location as well as the nature of the tumor, the doctor will select the appropriate endoscopic method.
With the gastrointestinal endoscopy method, the doctor can detect very small lesions, can biopsies for cancer cells, diagnose bacteria in the stomach...
In Vietnam, the incidence rate Colorectal cancer ranks 4th out of 10 most common cancers in men today and 2nd among 10 cancers in women. Gastrointestinal endoscopy not only helps in early detection of digestive cancer but also plays an important role in cancer treatment. In recent years, laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery has been applied and developed in large hospitals.

3. Notes when performing gastrointestinal endoscopy

In order to get the most accurate results of gastrointestinal endoscopy, patients should note the following points:
Patients should eat foods that are easy to digest, and need to clean the colon before performing colonoscopy. colon. Before performing gastrointestinal endoscopy, it is necessary to fast for at least 6 hours and fast for at least 2 hours to avoid complications during endoscopy such as vomiting, reflux of food into the trachea, and help The most accurate diagnostic imaging. Tell the doctor if the patient is allergic to certain drugs or foods, avoid dangerous complications due to allergic reactions In order to avoid damage to the oropharynx, do not spit after performing gastrointestinal endoscopy. Currently, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital is applying many modern endoscopic methods to help screen and screen for digestive cancer early. Among them are “motorized laparoscopic tools” also known as hand-held robots, which are a more modest line that offers more flexibility for straight laparoscopic instruments. The instrument is fitted with a motor and control unit (electrical or mechanical) to the endoscopic handle, allowing the surgical head to function as a flexible wrist joint that can be angled and rotated similar to the Surgeon Waldo, but with Low cost and small size. This category also includes endoscopes that automate through voice, laser, eye tracking and other methods, allowing the surgeon to control the laparoscope without the need for an assistant holding the laparoscope during surgery. art.
Surgical procedures with handheld robots at Vinmec Central Park General Hospital when treating diseases of:
Digestive surgery: Inguinal hernia, Abdominal wall hernia, Gallbladder disease with indications for Urology surgery: Benign kidney tumor, malignant kidney tumor, adrenal tumor, narrowing of the pyelonephritis - ureteral junction Gynecological surgery: Removal of uterine fibroids, hysterectomy, removal of ovarian tumor, hanging of the uterus - bladder into the protrusion. To register for examination and treatment at Central Park International General Hospital, please contact Hotline: 0283 6221 166 or register online HERE.

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