Why are children often anorexic when they are 9 months old?

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Physiological anorexia in 9-month-old children is a condition that worries many parents. So what causes anorexia at this stage and how to fix it?

1. What is physiological anorexia?

Anorexia is a common nutritional disorder in children, caused by many causes such as physiological and psychological changes or some diseases,... Anorexia children will have more than 2 of the following symptoms :
Meals usually last for more than 30 minutes The child does not eat all of the portion The child eats less than 1/2 portion according to age The child holds food for a long time and refuses to swallow The child tries to avoid eating, crying when eating Children get nauseous when they see food Children do not gain weight continuously for 3 consecutive months. Physiological anorexia in 9-month-old children is because when entering new stages, children often lose their appetite. Even when healthy, children also have periods of eating less for a few days or weeks and still be healthy, play normally. At the age of 9 months, babies are so absorbed in discovering new skills that they do not pay attention to eating. After that, the child will return to a normal eating rhythm.

2. Physiological causes of anorexia in 9-month-old children

Some common causes in the period of physiological anorexia in 9-month-old children are:
2.1 The child's diet is not suitable For a 9-month-old child, the baby's main source of nutrition is breast milk and food. mile. This is the stage when the child is used to the weaning diet, so if the mother prepares unpalatable food or uses a boring menu, the child eats a lot of junk food,... the child will not have an appetite. lead to laziness and anorexia.
2.2 Baby is teething, learning to walk At the age of 9 months, the baby will start the teething process. At this stage, children often have symptoms such as mild fever, red and itchy gums, fussiness, often biting their mother's nipples,... These physiological changes make children restless, uncomfortable and do not want to eat. quit breastfeeding. Besides, this is the time when children crawl a lot and start learning to walk, so they lose focus with eating.
2.3 Children with poor digestion This is one of the common causes of anorexia in children of all age groups, especially 9-month-old children. Digestive disorders cause symptoms such as flatulence, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, raw stools, ... making children tired, lose their appetite and lazy to eat. In addition, children with anorexia for a long time also have weak resistance, they often get sick, have to be treated with antibiotics, leading to intestinal disorders and malabsorption. If this situation lasts for a long time, the children will become more anorexic and often sick,...
2.4 Children have some health problems If they have some diseases of the gums and throat that cause pain, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, the children will also have problems. often anorexia, skipping meals. If the child has a cough, fever, flu, etc., the vitamin and mineral content in the child's body will be lost, especially the loss of vitamin B, which causes a decrease in taste, making the child not eat well. In addition, if infected with parasites such as worms, flukes, children often have anorexia.

Biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 9 tháng tuổi có thể do sốt hoặc một số nguyên nhân khác
Biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 9 tháng tuổi có thể do sốt hoặc một số nguyên nhân khác

2.5 Other causes Improper eating habits Children snack too much right before the main meal Children eat while watching TV, playing on the phone, going out to eat,... so they don't focus on meals Children are forced to eat Should have psychological stress, fear when eating Unbalanced diet, eating too much in one meal or eating continuously during the day will inhibit the secretion of digestive enzymes, making children afraid to eat Micronutrient deficiency : This condition reduces the production of digestive enzymes, causing children to lose their appetite.

3. How to help 9-month-old children overcome anorexia?

Anorexia in 9-month-old children can be overcome by the following ways:
Combination of breastfeeding and weaning: Parents should give the baby solid foods in combination with breastfeeding to help the baby receive the necessary nutrients. Do not repeat the menu: Parents should not force children to eat foods that they do not like. At the same time, do not repeat the menu continuously because it will make children feel bored and do not want to eat Do not give children snacks before main meals: Parents should divide the time between snacks and meals for their children reasonably, Avoid giving children snacks right next to mealtimes. Thus, the baby will be more excited to eat and eat more deliciously Decorate the food beautifully: Parents should pay attention to change the menu and decorate the food for the child beautifully to attract the baby, help the baby eat well more Find out your baby's favorite foods: 9-month-old babies already have their own personalities and preferences. Babies also sense the taste of food, have expressions of liking or disliking a certain food. Therefore, parents should pay attention to what their children like to taste, what foods to cook to suit their taste. Let the children eat with the family: Children will imitate adults during meals, helping them eat and drink scientifically. Study and be more obedient. Do not let children eat street food or watch TV or phones while eating, because this makes children not focus on eating and drinking, negatively affecting the baby's digestive system. Parents should let the child sit in a separate dining chair, encourage the child to focus on the meal The child's meal should only last no more than 30 minutes so that the child enjoys eating and does not feel overwhelmed Do not force the child to eat : Parents should feed children at fixed time frames to create a habit for the baby and should not force or urge the child to eat quickly because this can easily cause digestive disorders, abdominal pain, indigestion for children. Teething: When teething, the mother should comfort the child, reduce fever, and clean the baby's teeth to help relieve pain, discomfort and eat better. Fully supplement the essential food groups for children, including starch. , protein, fat, vitamins, fiber and minerals Supplement necessary micronutrients for children such as zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6,... according to the doctor's instructions to stimulate enjoy the appetite, help children eat well, develop well, strengthen resistance.

Kết hợp bú và ăn dặm khắc phục biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 9 tháng tuổi
Kết hợp bú và ăn dặm khắc phục biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 9 tháng tuổi

4. Good foods for 9-month-old babies

In addition to milk, parents should add to the child's diet the following foods:
Fresh fruit: Banana, apple, pear, avocado, mango, custard apple, ... With soft fruit, parents just need to cut small for baby to eat. With hard fruits, parents should blend smoothies and squeeze water for babies to drink. Parents should choose seasonal fruits to ensure natural freshness for children when eating. Children should not eat sour fruit because it will adversely affect the baby's digestive system Grains: Wheat, oats, rice, legumes Milk and dairy products include cheese, yogurt, butter ,... Eggs: 9-month-old babies can eat both egg yolks and whites. Mothers can add eggs to children's flour or porridge. Vegetables: Parents should introduce their children to vegetables such as pumpkin, cabbage, amaranth, cauliflower, sweet potato, taro,... Meat, shrimp, crab, fish... are also rich in protein, iron and important minerals for children. When preparing this food group, parents should puree it so that it is easy for children to eat. Above is the most basic information about the causes and ways to overcome physiological anorexia in 9-month-old babies. Parents can follow the suggestions above for the best development of their children. If the above methods are not effective, parents should take their children to a pediatric or nutrition specialist for advice and support in a timely manner. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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