Who needs a PSA test?

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Men with prostate-related symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in the urine or semen, abnormal or uncontrollable erections should have a PSA test to screen and detect diseases. men, especially the risk of prostate cancer.

1. What does prostate PSA indicate?

PSA is a specific antigen produced by the prostate gland. When a man has abnormal problems in life as well as the physiology of the genitourinary system, he will be examined by a doctor and ordered a PSA test to look for prostate cancer or accompanying male diseases. If men have prostate cancer, they will have more PSA in their blood than other men. However, other less common serious problems can also increase PSA such as an enlarged prostate with age or an inflamed prostate gland.
Prostate cancer is a rather dangerous form of cancer that occurs in men. Doctors said the disease develops quite slowly, usually in the early stages of cancer there are almost no obvious symptoms, but when it develops into cancer, it can spread to other parts of the body. such as bones, lymph nodes cause bone pain, often pain in the vertebrae, pelvis or ribs, difficulty urinating, pain, blood in urine, sexual intercourse problems, function erectile dysfunction... The later the disease, the more obvious the symptoms appear.

Chỉ số PSA tiền liệt tuyến nói lên điều gì?
Chỉ số PSA tiền liệt tuyến nói lên điều gì?

2. Who needs a PSA test?

PSA testing should be considered when men have a family history of prostate cancer, or men aged 45 years or older. Especially men who have accompanying symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in the urine or semen, abnormal erections that affect sexual activities.
When going to the gynecological examination, the patients will be supported by doctors to consult, examine, do clinical and paraclinical tests, scrotal ultrasound, blood tests in specific details such as the total PSA index. The part known as the free PSA/total PSA ratio is used to diagnose prostate cancer
Prostate cancer, if not detected early, can also metastasize and lead to death as quickly as other prostate cancer patients. other cancers. Therefore, the need for PSA test plays an important role in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. Many doctors now apply periodic PSA monitoring in those who have detected prostate cancer cells instead of immediately applying aggressive measures such as prostatectomy, irradiation or use of therapy. hormones.

Sự cần thiết của xét nghiệm PSA góp phần rất quan trọng trong chẩn đoán, theo dõi và điều trị ung thư tiền liệt tuyến
Sự cần thiết của xét nghiệm PSA góp phần rất quan trọng trong chẩn đoán, theo dõi và điều trị ung thư tiền liệt tuyến
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer with slow-growing characteristics and high ability to cure with radiotherapy, so when it is at an early stage, the treatment is simple, costs less money, time and effective. When the disease has developed at a later stage, the treatment becomes more complicated. Therefore, in addition to building a healthy and scientific lifestyle, it is necessary to maintain an annual health check and to perform a PSA test periodically to check the current health status and to detect diseases in the elderly. early stage.
Vinmec Times City International General Hospital has implemented PSA testing techniques to diagnose cancer and screen for prostate cancer in men over 40 years old, especially those diagnosed with enlarged prostate. prostate gland included in the male health check program. Customers register for a general health check-up package at Vinmec International General Hospital for timely medical examination and screening.
Customers can go directly to Vinmec Times City to visit or contact hotline 0243 9743 556 for support.
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