When should I go for a testicular ultrasound?

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The article was written by Dr. Trinh Van Dong - Radiologist - Department of Radiology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

Testicular ultrasound is a safe, non-radioactive procedure to detect abnormalities in the physiological activity of the testicles and provide timely treatment, limiting the risk of affecting sexual ability. in men.

1. What is testicular ultrasound?

Testicular ultrasound is a safe (non-radioactive) test performed in the testicles to detect abnormalities in the sperm collection ability and the testicle's connection to the prostate gland.

2. When should I go for a testicular ultrasound?

Testicular ultrasound is indicated when the person who comes to the examination has symptoms that are suspicious of testicular disease. Indicated subjects for testicular ultrasound include those who:
Have pain or abnormal lumps in the testicles Swelling of the testicles or epididymis Suspicion of torsion of the spermatic cord (the cause of the cut off the supply of the spermatic cord). blood to testicle) Suspected recurrence of testicular cancer Checking for fluid in the scrotum, fluid in the epididymis, blood in the scrotum, pus in the scrotum Testicular biopsy Genital trauma

Siêu âm tinh hoàn ngay khi có triệu chứng bất thường
Siêu âm tinh hoàn ngay khi có triệu chứng bất thường

3. How does testicular ultrasound work?

Testicular ultrasound is a simple ultrasound that causes little pain for the examiner. The ultrasound process is carried out in turn as follows:
Take off your pants, put on an ao dai instead. Lie on your back on a mattress Procedure: Use a sterile towel for the penis and lift the scrotum; use lubricating gel on the scrotum; use the transducer to conduct ultrasound on the patient You need to lie still during the ultrasound scan The ultrasound process takes about 20 minutes You will be dried off the gel and asked to go outside to wait for the results During the procedure During a testicular ultrasound, you may feel a little cold as the gel is applied to the scrotum, followed by the procedure where the doctor pushes the transducer over the scrotum, which can be painful. If your doctor combines a biopsy with your ultrasound, you may feel some discomfort when the specimen is taken.

4. What is the meaning of testicular ultrasound?

Testicular ultrasound helps assess the shape, size, and position of the testicles. Helps explain testicular abnormalities that the examiner suspects. Ultrasound results will help you know whether the condition of the testicles is normal or pathological for timely treatment, avoiding affecting your sex life and reproductive function later.

Siêu âm để đánh giá tình trạng và phát hiện bệnh lý tinh hoàn
Siêu âm để đánh giá tình trạng và phát hiện bệnh lý tinh hoàn

Accordingly, the ultrasound results are normal when the testicles have normal shape, size and position. There were no signs of a tumor in the testicles, no signs of infection such as testicular swelling or epididymitis. In addition, the doctor did not find fluid in the scrotum, blood in the scrotum, fluid in the epididymis, pus in the scrotum, or testicular torsion.
Contrary to the above results, when the doctor detects a tumor in the testicle or has signs of testicular cancer, signs of infection, torsion of the spermatic cord. No testicle or only one testicle in the scrotum. There is fluid, blood or pus in the scrotum or in the epididymis, hernia in the scrotum, ... then this is a result of your testicle problem.
Although a simple ultrasound method, if you cannot lie still during the procedure or you have an open wound in the ultrasound area, it may give inaccurate results.
If men have signs of testicular cancer, the examination and ultrasound to detect the tumor is necessary, from which the doctor will diagnose the location, size, and condition. fluid or not), the degree of cancer, etc., determine the most effective treatment option for the patient without affecting future fertility.. Currently, there are many facilities. In the medical field, the hospital has a testicular ultrasound service, but patients need to wisely choose reputable medical facilities and centers with highly qualified specialists to make accurate diagnoses and give Best advice.
Master, Doctor Trinh Van Dong has nearly 10 years of experience in the specialty of Diagnostic Imaging, especially has strengths in performing techniques: X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance. Currently, Dr. Dong is working and working at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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