Uses of Megaflazine

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Megaflazine is prepared in the form of an infusion solution of 150mg/15ml, effective in the treatment of cancers such as: ovarian cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, Wilms tumor .. Drugs that act directly on the immune system and help fight cancer. However, for safe treatment, patients need to know the notes on usage, dosage and complications when using the drug.

1. What is the use of Megaflazine?

Megaflazine is a drug that affects the immune system and has anti-cancer effects. The drug has the main ingredient is Carboplatin and is prepared in the form of a solution for injection 150mg/15ml.
Indications for treatment of Megaflazine include:
Treatment of ovarian cancer (from stage 1C to stage 4, postoperative, recurrence, metastasis after treatment); Lung cancer (including lung cancer with and without small cell); Pediatric nephroblastoma (Ulms tumor); Neuroblastoma, brain tumor; Testicular cancer ; Bladder cancer; Pediatric retinoblastoma (progressive and recurrent).

2. Instructions on how to take Megaflazine

Like other anti-cancer drugs, only trained health workers can access and manipulate Megaflazine. In addition, drug preparation (for injection) should also be carried out in a suitable location (preferably in a safe room with a blade-type air-ventilation system). Medical staff must wear gowns, masks, medical gloves and eye shields when mixing Megaflazine.
If the medicine accidentally gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it should be washed immediately with plenty of soap and water. Pregnant women should not handle cytotoxic substances such as Carboplatin.
Megaflazine can be used in 2 ways: Injection or intravenous infusion.
To improve the effectiveness of treatment and minimize harm, the dose of Megaflazine must be carefully calculated and indicated, and closely monitored by a qualified doctor. The following dosing recommendations are for reference only:
The starting dose is calculated based on body surface area and renal function. The usual dose is in the range of 300-450mg/m2; The highest dose can be used up to 1,600mg/m2 in divided doses for several days, applied in high-dose chemotherapy combined with stem cell infusion; Advanced ovarian cancer (stages 3 and 4): Initial dose 300mg/m2. The next dose should be at least 4 weeks (or longer) if the hematologic toxicity is slow to recover and the dose should be adjusted according to the platelet count from the previous treatment; Ovarian cancer recurrence: Initial dose 360mg/m2. Next dose after at least 4 weeks. Renal failure, marrow failure, irradiation: Use a dose of 300-320 mg/m2 of body skin; Other types of cancer also take the same dose as ovarian cancer. *Note:
Must inject Megaflazine into the blood vessels, if injected outside the vessel may cause necrosis; If intravenous infusion, Carboplatin should be infused over 15 minutes or longer (possibly over 24 hours) or peritoneally; Must adjust, reduce dose for patients with renal failure; Adjust the dose based on the degree of reduction in platelets of the previous administration; Repeat dose should be after a minimum of 4 weeks. Resume medication only when hematological parameters have recovered to an acceptable level. At the same time, it is necessary to be ready to prepare means to handle possible disasters.

3. Megaflazine side effects

Due to its strong effectiveness in cancer treatment, Megaflazine often causes very serious complications. Examples include:
Bone marrow failure (higher risk in people who have taken anti-cancer drugs, radiation therapy or kidney failure); Decreased platelets, white blood cells, anemia; Heart failure, embolism, cerebrovascular disease; Renal failure, increased blood creatinine, renal tubular degeneration, interstitial edema; Hyperuricemia, increased bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST; Electrolyte disturbances (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, blood calcium, blood magnesium); Hearing disorders (hearing impairment, tinnitus, deafness); Peripheral neuropathy (paresthesia of extremities, muscle weakness, myoclonus, cramps, loss of taste, body pain, asthenia); Increased liver failure; Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, peptic ulcer); Allergic reactions (urticaria, pruritus, skin rash, hypersensitivity); Hair loss (usually occurs in combination with Cyclophosphamide ); Fever. Above are the side effects when using Carboplatin / Megaflazine alone. When used with other drugs (eg, Cyclophosphamide) the incidence and severity of complications will be higher. In the event of serious adverse events, it may be necessary to stop taking the drug until the body has recovered to near normal before taking it again.

4. Notes when using Megaflazine

Contraindicated to use Megaflazine for the following subjects:
People who are sensitive to Carboplatin and Platinum active ingredients; Patients with severe kidney damage, severe kidney failure; People with severe bone marrow failure; Pregnant and lactating women. Other notes:
For the elderly (>65 years old), the manifestations of neurotoxicity, myelosuppression, and renal failure are more likely than that of young people; Megaflazine must be used under the close supervision of an oncologist.

5. Megaflazine drug interactions

Combined use of Megaflazine with other drugs that also cause bone marrow depression or radiation therapy will increase blood toxicity. Therefore, if patients are receiving combination therapy, they must be carefully monitored. Dosage and duration of use must be calculated and adjusted so that toxicity is at an acceptable level. In addition, for patients who have taken anti-cancer drugs before, blood toxicity is also more severe. When Megaflazine is combined with Cyclophosphamide, hematologic toxicity (causing marrow failure), gastrointestinal toxicity, neurotoxicity, visual and auditory toxicity are all significantly increased. Carboplatin itself is also nephrotoxic, but only mild to moderate. If Megaflazine is combined with Aminoglycosides or drugs that are also nephrotoxic, it will strongly increase nephrotoxicity and hearing. Therefore, special care should be taken when using the combination. When Megaflazine is combined with drugs with toxic effects on hearing (Aminoglycoside, Ifosfamide, Furosemide) will increase the toxic effect on hearing of Carboplatin. Children, if used at a dose higher than the recommended dose, combined with drugs that are toxic to hearing can lead to deafness. Concomitant administration of Megaflazine with other drugs that induce vomiting will increase vomiting. Warfarin: Increased bleeding effect when combined with Megaflazine. Phenytoin: Phenytoin concentrations may be reduced if used concomitantly with carboplatin. The information about the drug Megaflazine in the article is for reference only. Because Megaflazine is a prescription drug, it is infused and supervised under the supervision of a doctor/medical staff, patients need to use the drug as prescribed, absolutely do not adjust the dose on their own.

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