When do baby's front teeth, canines, and jaws come in?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Le Thanh Cam - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

When the baby turns 30 months, the child's mouth will have all 20 baby teeth. The permanent teeth will start to come in from 5-6 years old until 12 years old. The time of eruption of permanent teeth is also the time when baby teeth fall out.

1. Children's teething age

Teething is the adult step of a child in the period from eating fine porridge to chewing rough food. When babies are about 6 months old, their first teeth will start to erupt. By the age of 3 most babies will have a complete set of teeth with 20 baby teeth. Signs your baby is about to start teething include:
Drooling Gums Protruding or fussy Likes to chew Mild fever Diarrhea The baby's baby teeth set consists of 20 teeth including 10 teeth in the upper jaw and 10 teeth in the lower jaw. The eruption stage of each tooth is as follows:
2 The first two lower front teeth usually appear when the baby is 6-10 months old. The two upper front teeth usually erupt at 8-12 months. The next two upper front teeth come in when the baby is 9-13 months old. The 2 bottom front teeth come in when the baby is 10-16 months old. The first two upper molars appear when your baby is 13-19 months old. These two teeth grow in a backward position, one position away from the first 4 upper front teeth. 2 upper molars, 2 lower molars grow at a distance from the first 4 lower incisors. They appear when the baby is about 14-18 months old. The two upper canines that are grown at about 16-22 months of age will fill the vacant position. The 2 lower canines appear when the baby is about 17-23 months old. The bottom 2 molars are grown when the baby is about 23-31 months old. At this stage, many babies usually do not feel discomfort when teething. The last two upper molars will erupt when the baby is about 25-33 months old. At the age of 7-8 years old, children will begin the process of tooth replacement. Baby teeth will gradually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth. From the age of 12, all baby teeth will be replaced and children will have a total of 28 adult teeth.

Tình trạng mọc răng có thể xuất hiệu triệu chứng sốt nhẹ ở một số trẻ
Tình trạng mọc răng có thể xuất hiệu triệu chứng sốt nhẹ ở một số trẻ

2. Take care of children's teeth

During teething, babies will feel itchy and sore gums. If there are only symptoms of itchy gums, mothers can give their babies a pacifier when they feel uncomfortable. If the child is sick or has a fever, parents can give the child fever-reducing medicine, or use a warm towel to warm the child. Besides, mothers can give their children chilled foods, which are very suitable for teething babies when they want to chew hard foods.
Nutrition is also one of the important factors in the development of children's teeth. Some foods can make sure children's teeth develop with a stable structure such as:
Calcium: An important component in bone and tooth structure, accounting for 99%. Calcium is very well absorbed by the body from milk. Foods rich in calcium: milk, cheese, crabs, shrimp, shrimp, fish, small fish with bones, dairy products, dark green vegetables, bean products,... Vitamin D: Helps The body uses calcium and phosphorus well to form and maintain strong bones and teeth. In order for calcium to be absorbed and used well, the body must have enough vitamin D, otherwise, sometimes even though children eat enough calcium, they still lack calcium leading to rickets. Therefore, we also call children with rickets “rickets due to vitamin D deficiency. Some foods with significant amounts of Vitamin D include cod liver oil, especially fatty fish: mackerel, howling, .. Eggs, cooking oils are fortified with vitamin D. Phosphorus: The second most abundant mineral in the body after calcium. It has the function of forming and maintaining strong bones and teeth and maintaining other body functions. Phosphorus in animal foods has a higher biological value than plant foods. Up to now, phosphorus deficiency has not been detected because animal and plant foods contain phosphorus everywhere. Magnesium: Contributes to the mineralization of bones and teeth. Magnesium is most abundant in nature, especially in marine and freshwater fish, meat of all kinds, green vegetables, in whole nuts, legumes. Vitamin C: Vitamin C participates in the synthesis of collagen. . A severe deficiency of vitamin C will lead to scurvy, degenerated tonoplast cells, tooth pulp, gums become spongy, making gums ulcerated, easy bleeding gums and leading to tooth loss. In addition, vitamin C also helps strengthen the immune system, fight root infections. Wounds will heal quickly if tissues are saturated with vitamin C. Green vegetables, fresh fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, tomato juice, broccoli, mango, ... are a source of nutrients. lots of vitamin C. Vitamin A: Protects the eyes, prevents night blindness and dry eye diseases, ensures the normal development of the skeleton, teeth, protects the mucous membranes and skin, enhances the body's resistance against infectious diseases. Foods rich in Vitamin A are mainly found in foods of animal origin: liver, meat, eggs, dairy products. Plant-based foods can include yellow and dark red fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, papaya,... Dark green vegetables: water spinach, water spinach, amaranth,... Oils Plants are fortified with vitamin A Eat lots of vegetables and fruits: Vegetables, fruits, cereals, tubers, sugarcane, ... provide many vitamins and minerals to improve resistance, add fiber to help children laxative Anti-constipation. Fiber also has the effect of brushing teeth, and rubbing the gums to make them stronger and more durable.

Cha mẹ nên bổ sung các vi chất cần thiết cho trẻ giai đoạn mọc răng
Cha mẹ nên bổ sung các vi chất cần thiết cho trẻ giai đoạn mọc răng

In short, teething marks the big adult step of a child in the period from eating fine porridge to chewing rough food. Usually, the first tooth will erupt when the baby is about 6 months old and by his 3rd birthday, he will have a complete set of teeth with 20 teeth. During teething, children may also have mild fever, anorexia, fussiness and diarrhea,... However, parents should not be too worried
In addition, parents should also apply some methods Change habits and improve nutrition to support your child's teeth to develop better.
Besides, parents also need to supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, ... to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. The combination of many types of functional foods at the same time or continuously changing many types in a short time can cause the baby's digestive system not to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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