When children are too naughty, do they need to go to the doctor?

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Hyperactive, naughty children are probably normal, you just need to gently advise them to stop. However, there are many naughty children who do not obey and have opposing behaviors. So when the child is too naughty, should the child go to the doctor? And are naughty children smart?

1. 7 “Naughty” behaviors of toddlers are normal

1.1. Tantrums For toddlers, tantrums can cause naughty children to become disobedient. It's especially evident if your child has sensory processing disorder (SPD).
When children are too naughty, you can limit them by planning for children to rest, play and when possible, try to have outings.
1.2. When Children Are Incontinent Sometimes children can't control their actions, for example, controlling their urge to kick a ball or throw a toy. Simply because the child's brain is immature. Studies show that most children who are overly playful are not able to control their behavior until about the age of four.
1.3. Impressive Expression of Emotions Although toddlers may display really poor behavior, when it comes to emotions, young children cannot regulate their emotions. Children are just learning how to communicate, so being able to express their feelings is impossible. This leads to frustration and stronger emotional expression.
1.4. Crying and other physical needs are not being met Children often show signs of crying tantrums, impatience, and fatigue with other unmet physical needs. These bouts of fussiness can be prevented by ensuring a diet full of nutritious meals and snacks and getting enough rest even on the busiest of days.

1.5. The innate need to run and play Children's bodies and minds are always developing. Even when children want to follow their parents' instructions, their bodies and brains are telling them to move. The reason is because the brain is not yet able to accurately control muscles and fine motor coordination. A child's innate need to play is also important for a developing mind.
1.6. Your Child is Responding to Your Emotions When you've had a long day, haven't had enough rest, and you're feeling stressed, your child will often bear the brunt of your mood. Toddlers begin to exhibit some pattern of mimicry, so parents' emotions and behaviors can still influence a child's behavior.
1.7. Coping with inconsistency A child with no choice in diet, bedtime or when can go to the store and pick a favorite toy. It is not always possible to be consistent in all situations. When that is not achieved, children feel frustrated because they did not achieve what they expected.

Trẻ nghịch quá mức có những biểu hiện khóc ăn vạ, mất kiên nhẫn
Trẻ nghịch quá mức có những biểu hiện khóc ăn vạ, mất kiên nhẫn

2. Naughty children do not listen, do children need to go to the doctor?

According to experts in Psychiatry, parents need to pay attention to the signs to detect that their child is hyperactive or has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, especially these symptoms often begin before 7 year old child.
Regarding the symptoms of ADHD, that is when the child has at least 3 of the symptoms listed below and these symptoms persist for at least 6 months or more, parents need to take the child to Psychiatrist for accurate diagnosis:
Constantly moving legs and arms, refusing to sit still Climbing excessively in any situation despite danger Arbitrarily leaving the classroom without permission Difficulty difficulty staying quiet anywhere Persistent manifestations of excessive motor pattern (unaffected by surrounding factors). Regarding symptoms of inattention, inattention including: Children with at least 6 of the 9 symptoms listed below and these symptoms persist for a period of at least 6 months, parents also need to bring the child go to a child psychiatry facility for examination, diagnosis and appropriate treatment if you have a disease:
Not paying close attention to details; frequent mistakes, very sloppy in all activities Unable to maintain one's attention in work and daily leisure activities Child is too naughty, shows no signs of listening to what others have to say with children Often unable to follow all instructions given to them at school, from teachers, and at home Constantly having trouble organizing work and other activities Always avoiding or hating having to perform tasks that require effort and persistence, such as doing homework, often losing school supplies, toys, and personal items Very easily distracted by environmental factors around Frequently forgetting about daily activities.
In addition, children who have at least 1 of the impulse symptoms listed below and persist for 6 months or more should also take the child to a pediatric Psychiatrist specialist such as: getting questions asked (aka impulsiveness) Child is overly naughty, can't wait for his turn/or queue in large group activities Constantly interrupting or intruding on people's problems other children (such as climbing, interrupting...) Naughty children do not listen, talk too much even when asked by others to keep order

3. 7 useful tips for parents to handle when naughty children do not listen

Some tips on how parents can handle excessive mischief and let them grow into disciplined and well behaved adults:
3.1. Set limits You need to understand your child's needs and wants first. This will help you know what to do and what not to. However, children at a young age are not aware of their own needs and so will ask for anything they think or see. If that desire is not achieved, the child begins to have tantrums that lead to excessive naughty behavior. Each parent is responsible for orienting their children, letting them know what they should and shouldn't need.
3.2. Be clear and consistent You need to be patient and dedicated in whatever you do with your child. If your child is banned from watching too many cartoons, it should be a consistent decision and there's no reason to change even when you're doing something else or have guests at home. What you do and say must be consistent and should not be constantly changing or your child will throw tantrums, making the naughty child more disobedient because there is no stability or clarity in your actions.
3.3. Let your child know about the consequences when a naughty child does not listen. When something goes wrong because a child is too naughty, don't yell at them or punish them suddenly. You may be angry at your child's clumsiness or bad behavior, but it's still important to stay calm. Bad behavior while naughty children disobey are never acceptable. If your child throws a tantrum by throwing things away, breaking or hurting someone, let her face the consequences of the situation and get things right.
Let the children know what the consequences will be when they are too naughty. Knowing the consequences of actions teaches children to be more responsible for their actions. Being cruel or lenient will not help anyway and all you need to do is let your child know what the consequences of his actions will be for yourself and others.

Cha mẹ nên có phương pháp hợp lý để trẻ nghịch quá mức
Cha mẹ nên có phương pháp hợp lý để trẻ nghịch quá mức

3.4. Don't give in to a tantrum In general, what children who are too naughty do to initiate tantrums or tantrums. Your baby may cry non-stop for more than 15 minutes, his screams are getting louder and louder, you may be tired of his actions or you may feel embarrassed when other people or even you feel uncomfortable. hurt the child. You need to make it clear to a naughty child that you are not satisfied with the behavior and that you will not encourage excessive naughty behavior.
3.5. Teach, instead of punishing, when children are too naughty Positive discipline always works. When your child is naughty and disobeys, instead of punishing him, try to teach him what discipline is. The way to raise smart children is to let them know how to behave in certain situations and always encourage them to avoid those bad behaviors and do better next time.
3.6. Don't get mad at your child When you're in a bad mood and your child misbehaves, don't vent your negative feelings on your child. If you yell at your child when he's not at fault, he'll get mad at you and possibly misbehave. Stay calm and patiently handle the situation. Children are easily impressed. Your calm behavior will be noted by your child and he or she will learn to stay calm during angry times just by watching you.
3.7. Set a regular routine When your child is out of school, schedule regular activities for him or her. That will set a rule to live by and your kids won't feel compelled to misbehave as they'll have a solid routine to follow. Establish a fixed eating and sleeping routine for your child and maintain it.
Parents' behavior will be a mirror for the child's behavior, so make sure that your behavior is always ideal, a model for children to follow. Do not be too strict with your child as this will make the naughty child disobedient and more worried because the child will not be able to understand your feelings and your expectations about them. Being clear and transparent with your child will help ensure that your child doesn't act naughty all the time. Appreciate, love and respect your child and he or she will respond with acts of kindness.

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