How to detect hidden talents of preschoolers

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Babies are born with hidden talents in certain areas, so how do you spot those special talents and develop them to create a good foundation for your children in the future?

1. Children love to arrange things

Children arrange socks in pairs, line up toy cars or other objects by color, size, shape. Children also like things organized and orderly.
This means: Children are analytical thinkers, well organized and attentive to details. According to Linda Powers Leviton, an expert in the field of gifted education, children often look for patterns, patterns are early signs that children are gifted in math and science.
How to encourage your child : Let your child explore and play games involving shapes and connections, such as stringing beads or fishing. You can find other activities that encourage math skills and experiments to fuel preschool science curiosity.
Let the child take responsibility for arranging knives, forks, spoons and jars in his or her cupboard. For kids who like to collect, you should buy plastic cabinets with many drawers so they can keep items like shells, stones, crystals and anything else they want to organize, count or sort.
>>> Characteristics of gifted children

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2. Children talk non-stop

Your child can have a good vocabulary, he can even make up elaborate stories, elaborate and make less mistakes in grammar or pronunciation. Babies can also talk very quickly and often don't stop until they fall asleep. Children often try to win an argument.
What it means : Fluent use of language can be the first sign of a gifted child. This is also the key to success in school and many other aspects of life. Children have the gift of persuasion, in the future they may choose career fields such as law or journalism.
How to encourage your child : You can encourage your child by asking him or her to tell you a story, and then you read the book together. You can also interview children and record or videotap them. Help your child write letters to family and friends. Along with developing speaking and writing skills, teach your child how to listen.
Regularly take your child to the library and find books that require many skills in children. Children may prefer books with lots of words and fewer pictures than other children of the same age. Listen to your child's thoughts and arguments, but you also need to set a time limit if your child is a tireless debater. Create a quiet time during the day for family members to rest.

3. Children discover everything

Children enjoy discovering things that work such as pens or switches. Children can disassemble all the parts and then try to put them back together. Children love building towers with blocks or are fascinated with machines.
What it means: Maybe your child is a visual-spatial person. A child who loves to tinker and explore could become a future mechanic, engineer, architect, inventor or scientist. Or they can design anything from a mousetrap to a modern laptop computer.
How to encourage children: Prepare toys for children such as blocks so that children can create, break and rebuild according to their own ideas. Encourage children to use discarded boxes or anything else they can find around the house.
Take your kids to play centers or playgrounds designed specifically for explorers. Meet their need to learn how things work by giving them safe toys, such as locks and keys, or toys with lots of dials and keys. Point out mechanical objects, such as traffic lights, when you are walking with your child.
You need to keep an eye on children as they will reach for power tools or try to learn about electrical outlets by sticking a sharp knife into it.

4. Children often dream

Children seem to be immersed, daydreaming with fairy tales. Maybe your child enjoys acting, spends his free time drawing pictures, and has lots of ideas to share. Children can use many things in novel ways, such as shoveling dirt with their shoes or putting toys in their shoes.... Be more open to these kind of silly ideas and come up with creative ways. created to solve the problem.
What it means : Children can be unfocused but spend a lot of time incubating big ideas. This behavior can be a sign of strong creativity in children. Daily life may seem boring to this imaginative thinker, who may hide in fantasy and have trouble separating what's real from what's not.
In the future, children may pursue creative careers as artists, actors, writers, filmmakers, fashion designers or interior designers. Or they can use their rich imagination and ability to solve problems in more creative ways in the arts or sciences.
How to encourage children : Encourage children's creativity in all forms. Encourage your child's artistic talent by buying a variety of items that can help children expand their imagination. Children can also play music and sing, experiment with science objects.
>>> How to raise an imaginative child
In addition, you should take your child to plays and concerts, listen to their interesting stories and maybe spend the scene (as an audience) for a children's show. Take advantage of family holidays to take your kids to art museums. However, you need to make it clear to your child when you are ready to hear their creative stories and when you need to know the truth.

5. Children love puzzle games

Children love puzzles of any kind such as jigsaw puzzles, puzzles or a mystery story. When trying to figure out how to do a jigsaw puzzle, children often don't need to try and make a lot of mistakes, but they can put it in the right place or roughly right from the first time they put it together.
What it means : Ter's jigsaw skills show that children are gifted with space. Children love to think with pictures and use their talents to memorize the whole picture. In the future, the child can become a good detective, archaeologist or scientific researcher.
How to encourage children : continue to promote children's ability to jigsaw puzzles or word games, solving puzzles and solving mysterious stories are also very good for children.

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Trẻ yêu thích các trò giải đố

6. Children are responsible people

Children are very assertive about doing something. Children love to be able to decide when they play.
What it means : maybe your child has a natural born leader, which will be good for him when he goes to school, plays sports and many other aspects of life. According to experts, a child who enjoys taking on responsibilities can inspire others, see conflict from different perspectives, and create the best in the group. In the future, children's leadership skills will be valuable in business, politics, community organizing and mediation.
How to encourage your child : Whenever possible, let your child be the leader. Your child may want you to follow the path he or she leads. Let your child take charge of a small family plan, such as arranging a shoe rack. Let your child arrange everything in his or her own room to his liking (within a certain limit). You can also ask your child to solve family problems such as: "We are always late for swimming. Is there any way to help us get there on time?".
Keep your child satisfied with a leadership role, but make sure he or she knows that you are responsible when safety-related incidents and other complex issues arise, they need to let you know.
Let your child know the concept of changing roles and learn to listen so that they are not alienated from their peers.

7. Children can't sit still

Kids love to do things on the go or at least stand up. Children enjoy everything where they move, touch, feel.
What it means : This is probably the child who is physically active, i.e. most receptive to information and most excited when activities involve movement.
Children will likely be suitable for sports activities such as dance, musical choreography and may have co-ordinated motor skills. In the future, children may be attracted to jobs such as teachers or rangers. Or kids can use their skills to become chefs.
How to encourage your child : Make sure there is plenty of daily physical activity for your child. Change the activities so your child doesn't get bored. These kids will also likely enjoy exploring music through movement, so give them opportunities to sing and dance. For those who like hands-on activities, let your child draw or carve on wood or stone.
Equally important for these active kids is setting their bedtime. Offer your child a light meal like milk and cereal about an hour or two before bedtime. Then give the child a bath, read a book, and go to bed. You can let your child listen to relaxing music to help them relax.

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8. Your child's abilities are still a mystery to you

If you don't see any of the above signs, be open to discovering your child's hidden talents. Chances are you'll realize your child's hidden talents over time.
Referring to feedback from other members about the child may give you a broader perspective. Your child's preschool teacher may be able to tell you about certain abilities. Or the babysitter can also comment on the child's agility when playing or grandparents will notice the child's love of nature.
By paying attention to areas where your child is naturally gifted, you can help your child be seen, heard, and understood. Your purpose is to love children for themselves and help them develop to their full potential.

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