What to do when there is a gap in the front teeth?

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Cleft front teeth or cleft front teeth is a fairly common oral condition. Although it does not affect the chewing function much, it causes cosmetic loss. So what do you need to do when you have a gap in your front teeth? The following article will help you know what to do with cleft teeth and choose the right treatment.

1. What is the gap between the front teeth?

Cleft front teeth, also known as open front teeth, a condition where the front teeth are not close together. The distance between the teeth will greatly affect the eating process, oral hygiene and the aesthetics of the face. Therefore, finding out what to do with open incisors is something that you should pay special attention to.
However, first you need to determine what is the cause of this condition. Thereby, you will find an effective and safe solution to restore teeth defects.

2. Causes of open front teeth

2.1. Crooked teeth due to congenital lack of teeth

One of the leading causes of this condition is congenital missing teeth. In fact, not everyone grows a sufficient number of teeth. Therefore, the lack of teeth on the jaw frame is extremely common. If the teeth are missing, then there are not enough teeth to create gaps. This will cause the remaining teeth to erupt in the wrong position on the jaw. Therefore, customers who are born with missing teeth will often have open front teeth.

2.2. Cleft front teeth due to missing teeth

Not everyone grows a sufficient number of teeth on their jaws, some cases of congenital missing teeth will create gaps. Other teeth will also be displaced and lead to a gaping situation in many teeth, not just in one position.
2.3. Teeth that grow underground, grow back causing gaps in the front teeth The teeth that grow underground, come back will not be able to grow up normally like other permanent teeth and will then accidentally create a space due to lack of teeth. So the appearance of gaps between the teeth on the jaw frame is also inevitable. This is a dental problem that no one wants to have. In fact, there is no shortage of cases where customers have encountered this situation.
2.4. Due to the difference in tooth size and jawbone Besides the above reasons, there are still many factors that affect the aesthetics of the teeth. When your jawbone is too large, but the teeth are small, it will not be able to fill the entire arch, creating many gaps between the teeth. This condition will cause the teeth to gap in most positions on the jaw, both incisors and molars.

2.5. Due to bad habits that cause gaping teeth

Sometimes indiscriminate daily living habits are also the cause of teeth thinning. One of the relatively common actions of most of us Vietnamese is to use toothpicks after each meal. Brushing too hard will gradually wear out between the teeth and damage the gums that support the teeth. In the long run, it will cause gaps in the teeth at the root position, the gum tissue will recede, and the roots will be exposed more and more.
2.6. Due to dental diseases Oral disease is the most common cause of gaping and gaping teeth. Specifically, tooth decay, gingivitis, receding gums, ... due to improper oral care. However, not many people really pay attention to this issue. As you know, these oral conditions often stem from people's care.

3. What disadvantages does the gap between your teeth lead to?

Cleft teeth seem to only affect the aesthetics of the teeth, but in fact cause many worrying consequences.

3.1. Affect facial aesthetics

On the overall face, teeth play an extremely important role. The condition of bad teeth will greatly affect the harmony of the face. Customers not only lack confidence because of yellow, dull or chipped teeth, ... but even sparse teeth make customers feel self-conscious. This tooth defect will directly affect the aesthetics of the smile. Moreover, it also makes the overall harmony of the face. This is the reason why many customers lose confidence in daily activities.

3.2. Directly affect the results of study and work

The structure of the teeth greatly affects the ability to pronounce. Therefore, when there are some defects on your teeth, your daily communication activities will face great obstacles. Owning a wide set of teeth will make it difficult for you to learn a foreign language. It is very difficult to pronounce a certain word correctly. Therefore, learning results will be directly affected. In addition, in any communication or meeting, confidence is extremely necessary.
However, customers who have this problem of gaping teeth do not respond to this problem. Therefore, building relationships in both your life and work is very difficult. Just find a way to fix it and you won't need to worry too much about this problem.
3.3. Affecting the jaw bone structure More seriously, this tooth defect will also directly affect the jaw bone structure. The cases of teeth that are cleft, unevenly grown often cause the teeth to move in the wrong position. This is the main cause of the misalignment of the bite. In the long run, this situation becomes more serious. One of the possible complications is bone deformity. This will adversely affect your face, losing its harmony and inherent aesthetics.

3.4. Cause many other dental diseases

In particular, the crevices are a favorable location for food plaques to stick to. In the process of eating and chewing daily, customers are also very careful. After each meal, it is necessary to quickly remove harmful bacteria inside the oral cavity. If you do not clean it, it is very easy to have a bad effect on your oral health. This also creates favorable conditions for bacteria to grow and multiply. From there, it leads to oral diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, ...
Besides, when encountering a state of sparse teeth, the chewing force will also be reduced. Makes chewing food very difficult. This will affect the health of the digestive system.

3.5. Causing more tooth loss

This tooth defect is also the cause of tooth loss. This situation will stem from the problem of weak bonding force between the teeth. Especially when teeth often move on the arch, it will create favorable conditions for the penetration of bacteria.
Over time, they will cause diseases and make teeth weaker. Ultimately leading to tooth loss. The inability to remove all food plaque is also easier to create an environment for bacteria to grow. Usually, elderly customers with sparse teeth are more likely to lose their teeth earlier than the case of regular teeth.

4. Open front teeth what to do?

First of all, many people immediately think of ways to straighten teeth without braces because of its low cost and simple implementation that can fit loose teeth at home at any time. Some ways to tighten gaps at home include:
Method 1: Use your hands to press on the ends of the wide teeth to push them together. Do this about 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. Method 2: Use an elastic band to wrap around the two ends of the wide tooth and must be tied tightly. Do this method daily, can be worn all day for the best use of minutes. However, these are the two ways to close the middle teeth that are only applicable to young children because the jawbone and teeth are still soft and easy to adjust.
If done with too strong movements, it can cause some unwanted consequences such as: pain, misaligned teeth and jaws, wrong bite,...
Dentists recommend that you do not practice it yourself. perform this method at home because the effectiveness is not high and it is easy to cause many dangerous consequences.
It is best to visit your dentist to be examined and treated with the most suitable method. Currently, there are 3 dental methods that are used to treat gaps in teeth and depending on the ratio between the teeth more or less, the doctor will assign you 1 of 3 methods:
Filling. Interstitial: This is the solution to fix gap teeth with low cost and done quickly. However, it is only suitable for cases of small teeth less than 2mm, if you try to fill a large tooth, the filling is not durable, easy to peel off when eating or doing daily activities. To fill the gap, doctors often use Composite material to fill the gaping teeth to help the teeth close together. Composite has the same color as real teeth, so it will bring high aesthetic effect, durability is also relatively high compared to other filling materials. Porcelain veneers for wide teeth: Cases where the teeth are too large and the fillings are not effective, they must be covered with porcelain teeth for optimal repair. The doctor will proceed to thin the outer enamel layer of the tooth that needs to be restored, then fix the porcelain crown on top. Porcelain teeth have a harmonious shape and fit with real teeth and the color is also naturally bright and white. Wide, open braces: This is the least invasive and effective method that can be maintained permanently after your treatment, so doctors often recommend wide braces instead of other methods. Braces are the process of using force on the teeth through specialized appliances, gradually moving the teeth and adjusting the bite to become balanced and harmonious. For cases where teeth are gaping and misaligned, this is also the optimal solution to help the bite reach the ideal ratio. The time of braces is relatively long, usually it will take about 18-24 months to treat gaps and gaps. Therefore, it requires you to be really patient and spend a lot of time for regular check-ups, and at the same time, oral hygiene and diet also need to be more focused. In general, cleft teeth affect the aesthetics of the teeth and cause many worrisome consequences such as dental diseases, malocclusion... So if you are experiencing this situation, you should go to the facility. reputable medical doctor for advice and appropriate improvement methods,

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