What to do when stomach bloating persists?

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Many people eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion and affect their quality of life. This is a benign disease, not dangerous but can also be a symptom suggesting some digestive diseases. So what do people who eat or have a full stomach and indigestion drink to get better quickly?

1. What is indigestion? Indigestion is an abnormal problem in the digestive tract, which can be benign due to unscientific eating habits or a sign of some digestive disease such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis .. People who eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion may be alone or accompanied by some other symptoms such as abdominal pain, belching, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdomen.
When encountering this condition, the patient first needs to determine the cause and then choose the appropriate treatment.
2. Causes of stomach bloating and indigestion This condition can be caused by many different causes, the most common of which include the following problems:
Diet with too much protein, sugar, flour and grease, leading to over-digestibility and stagnation in the digestive tract. In addition, indigestion is also common in people who have a preference for hot spicy foods, use a lot of alcohol, coffee or stimulants or have a habit of eating quickly, eating quickly, not chewing well or lying down right away. after eating... All of the above problems lead to overloading the digestive tract, causing the organs not to process all the food; Digestive disorders, ascites, constipation, food allergies; Overgrowth of bacteria in the intestinal tract; Some gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, intestinal infections, intestinal obstruction, colon cancer...; Using antibiotics without prescription causes the beneficial bacteria to decline while the harmful bacteria overgrow and cause bloating and indigestion; People who eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion need to exclude the cause due to physical diseases, in which special attention should be paid to cases over 45 years old because of the risk of stomach cancer. Cases of dyspepsia related to inflammation, ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease, stomach cancer... need to be diagnosed, monitored and treated by specialized doctors.

Đầy bụng khó tiêu là một vấn đề bất thường tại đường tiêu hóa
Đầy bụng khó tiêu là một vấn đề bất thường tại đường tiêu hóa

3. What should people who eat or have indigestion or stomach upset do? Many patients wonder what to drink with a full stomach. If determined to be due to physical diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, the patient should follow the treatment instructions of the doctor. At the same time, the patient can apply the following measures to prevent and improve digestive system function:
3.1. Diet high in fiber Fiber is considered a key substance for the smooth functioning of the digestive system, and the level of fiber's health effects is also very high. Instead of using foods that are popular in modern, fast-paced lives such as canned food, fast food, red meat and other greasy and easy-to-eat foods, let's try to Try to build high-fiber meals each day. This very good support for digestion, limit stomach bloating and indigestion and bring a number of other effects such as preventing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hemorrhoids, rectal cancer...
Nhu The daily fiber requirement for an average person is about 20-30 grams. The main sources of fiber and are easy to find are green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains... However, some green vegetables can cause bloating and indigestion and should be limited. such as cowpeas, cabbage, and cauliflower. At the same time, people who eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion should pay attention to supplementing with plenty of water because water supports food digestion, dissolves minerals, vitamins and prevents constipation.
3.2. Habit of eating slowly, chewing thoroughly and eating just enough to eat slowly, chewing well is a good habit that reduces the load on the digestive system but is often ignored by us. Thorough chewing both helps to crush food and signals the salivary glands, stomach and intestines to secrete digestive juices.
In addition, people who eat or have a full stomach and indigestion should pay attention not to eat too full. Each person's body will have the ability to excrete a certain amount of digestive juice, so every time you eat too much, it will stimulate the stomach to increase acid secretion to support digestion and unintentionally cause indigestion. , heartburn, heartburn.

Người bị đầy bụng khó tiêu nên tập thể dục và hạn chế căng thẳng
Người bị đầy bụng khó tiêu nên tập thể dục và hạn chế căng thẳng

3.3. Lifestyle changes, exercise, and stress reduction Building a healthy lifestyle with regular daily exercise can boost your overall health and improve your system's ability to function. Digest. A number of reliable scientific studies have shown that being active improves digestive function significantly. Similarly, scientists have also found a link between people who are inactive and diseases such as obesity, stomach pain and diarrhea.
In addition, mental stress, excessive stress is another factor that can negatively affect the function of the digestive system. This situation is explained as follows: Stress reduces the blood flow to the organs in the abdomen, thereby indirectly reducing the ability to secrete digestive juices, the digestive process is stagnant, and the system eventually manifests itself. by signs of indigestion.
3.4. Do not abuse antacids The amount of stomach acid secreted helps to support food digestion, but in many cases, excess acid secretion causes uncomfortable gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore, many patients often turn to antacid products to neutralize excess acid and resolve unpleasant symptoms quickly. However, the abuse of antacid drugs will have a bad effect, making the environment in the stomach not acidic enough and causing indigestion.
3.5. Digestive enzyme supplements Digestive enzymes extracted from herbs are products that can improve digestive function and enhance absorption of nutrients. People who eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion due to a lack of digestive enzymes due to various causes (commonly due to an unreasonable diet and lifestyle) can supplement with digestive enzymes to improve symptoms. In healthy cases, digestive enzyme supplements may also have some effect in supporting the body's digestive function.
However, digestive enzymes are only the solution in some situations and cannot completely cure indigestion, especially when the condition is associated with some serious diseases such as Crohn's disease. Therefore, the best and safest measure is still to see a specialist for examination, diagnosis and find the most suitable treatment regimen.

4. If you have ruled out dangerous diseases that can cause indigestion, you can completely apply some folk tips below to feel comfortable. than.
4.1. Garlic Garlic is both a popular spice and an effective remedy for indigestion. Patients can apply in the following ways:
Method 1: Prepare about 30g of peeled garlic bulbs, pound them and mix them with 5g of rock sugar or diameter. Then mix it with 60ml of warm water (about 40-50 degrees) and divide it into 2 drinks a day; Method 2: The patient takes a garlic bulb to bake and then wraps it in a thin gauze, then places it on the navel will have the effect of supporting bowel movements, expelling stagnant gas and improving indigestion. 4.2. Cinnamon is considered an effective medicine in the treatment of bloating, indigestion. Patients can apply 1 of the following 2 ways with cinnamon ingredients:
Method 1: Boil about 250ml of clean water, then add 1⁄2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder and dissolve completely. The patient decanted drinking water after each meal; Method 2: Use 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm milk, drink every time you have indigestion.

Gừng là vị thuốc hỗ trợ chữa trị hiệu quả nhiều loại bệnh, trong đó bao gồm bệnh đầy bụng khó tiêu
Gừng là vị thuốc hỗ trợ chữa trị hiệu quả nhiều loại bệnh, trong đó bao gồm bệnh đầy bụng khó tiêu

4.3. Ginger Ginger is a medicine that effectively supports the treatment of many diseases, including bloating, indigestion, and digestive disorders. Patients can use ginger in the following ways:
Method 1: Take a sip of warm water with a few slices of ginger; Method 2: Drink hot ginger tea right after eating the main meal; Method 3: Fresh ginger has been washed, crushed and soaked in a cup of hot water for about 30 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey, stir well, drink 2-3 times a day after meals. 4.4. Chamomile tea The ingredients in chrysanthemum include natural anti-inflammatory active ingredients, which have a soothing effect on the mucous membranes and reduce gas in the digestive tract.
People suffering from indigestion and bloating just need to use some fresh or dried chrysanthemum flowers in a teapot, then add boiling water. Close the lid for 15 minutes, you will have a delicious cup of tea right away and help improve digestive symptoms very effectively.
4.5. Cat apple cider Cat cider can help control blood fat, antibacterial, treat dysentery and inhibit E.Coli bacteria. In addition, apple cider can also significantly reduce signs of indigestion.
Usage is as follows: Patients drink in meals from 1-2 cups of apple cider soaked for 1-2 months. Applying the method for about 1-2 days will quickly feel a noticeable improvement.
4.6. Guava leaves have the effect of supporting the treatment of bloating and indigestion quite effectively because of the ingredient containing tannin, an astringent of the intestinal mucosa, reducing mucus in the stomach. Besides, the acrid taste of guava leaves can also resist gas-producing bacteria in the digestive tract.
How to do this:
Prepare 7-10 young guava leaves, wash and soak in dilute salt water, then puree with 1 glass of water; Filter the water and divide it into 2 drinks per day. To make it easier to drink, the patient can add a little honey.
4.7. Perilla porridge Those who eat or suffer from indigestion or bloating can use a handful of rice in about 2 liters of water and cook it into porridge. When the water is dry, add perilla and season to taste before serving. Eating perilla porridge when it is still hot in the morning will quickly improve the condition of fullness and indigestion.
4.8. Peppermint is an herb that can support the digestive process, stimulate the dissolution of gas in the intestinal tract. Patients can use mint leaves to treat indigestion in the following ways:
Method 1: Directly chew mint leaves or crush and drink water; Use mint tea: Boil water and add 2 tablespoons of mint leaves, steep for 5 minutes and drink daily. 4.9. Celery Celery is a medicine that supports the treatment of intestinal diseases, purifies the body and detoxifies the digestive tract very effectively. Patients who eat or suffer from bloating and indigestion can cook soup or stir-fry celery to improve health
4.10. Lemon Every day, using a glass of warm lemon water in the morning is a good habit, helping to support the digestion of food during the day.
4.11. Papaya Papaya contains a milky white enzyme papain, which helps to support the digestive process to work more smoothly, and at the same time, enhances the elimination of stagnant gas in the intestinal tract.
People who eat or suffer from indigestion or full stomach can use ripe papaya or cook soup... and of course, it is both nutritious and delicious and helps to improve digestive function.
4.12. Pepper Pepper is not only a seasoning for dishes, but also a fast and effective treatment for indigestion.
Patients can apply the following way: Mix 1⁄2 dry pepper powder with sugar and yogurt. Stir the mixture well and drink immediately to see the amazing effect.

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