What to do when children drink too much milk?

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Raw milk is a common source of nutrition for children, but drinking too much raw milk can lead to negative effects on development and overall health. Therefore, parents need to know some necessary information about fresh milk as well as the most suitable way for children to use fresh milk.

1. Children drink too much milk

For infants, parents should not give fresh milk to children because at this stage, the child's digestive system is not fully developed, so when putting fresh milk in, the child will not be able to digest it. In the composition of fresh milk contains a lot of protein and minerals, so when children drink too much fresh milk at this age, it will make the kidneys work too hard. In addition, fresh milk does not provide enough iron and vitamin C for children at this stage, easily leading to iron deficiency or vitamin C deficiency. Therefore, when children are in their infancy, they should not drink fresh milk.
At the infancy stage, children can be introduced to fresh milk with a diet that provides adequate nutrients for the child. However, it is still not recommended for children to drink too much fresh milk in a day, but should limit it to less than 1 liter of fresh milk / day. If children drink more than this amount of milk, they may experience excess energy as well as lose their appetite for other foods.
There are 3 types of fresh milk that are directly expressed milk, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk. Parents should choose pasteurized and pasteurized milk for their children to drink to ensure food hygiene and safety. For milk that is expressed directly, there are still bacteria in the milk, so when children drink this milk, they will have gastrointestinal infections and related diseases.
With products made from milk such as cheese, yogurt ... should be used by children when they are 6 months old or older. These foods should only be given to children in a reasonable amount to limit the negative effects on the baby's health.

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2. Is it good for children to drink a lot of fresh milk?

Some health risks when giving children too much raw milk are:
Constipation: Because milk does not contain fiber, when children drink too much raw milk, the child's stomach will fullness, thereby not being able to absorb other fiber-containing foods. Obesity: When drinking too much raw milk for a long time, it will lead to an excess of calories, which in turn leads to overweight. Iron deficiency: Because milk does not contain iron, along with drinking a lot of milk, children will be full tomorrow, which makes them unable to supplement iron from other foods. If this process takes place for a long time, it will lead to anemia, requiring a blood transfusion when prescribed by a doctor. In short, children who drink too much raw milk will cause disadvantages to their health. Therefore, parents need to provide a nutritious menu, give their children suitable milk and add necessary micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, and acerola fruit extract. (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, achieve the right height and weight, enhance resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
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