What to do when a baby is constipated when eating solids?

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Entering the weaning phase, babies begin to get used to new foods. But due to the immature digestive system, the baby is prone to problems when absorbing food, including constipation. What parents need to do is find out what causes their baby to be constipated and how to eat solids to keep them healthy.

1. The baby is constipated when eating solid foods

When exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life, the baby's digestive system does not need to work much because breast milk is full of nutrients, diluted and easily absorbed. However, when it comes to solid foods, babies have to use foods completely different from breast milk, so the digestive system can't adapt. Due to insufficient secretion of enzymes, food is digested worse. In addition, solid foods are thicker than breast milk, making babies more prone to constipation.
The baby's poop during the weaning period will also be different from that of the breast-feeding stage, often patterned, darker and with a stronger smell. This is a normal phenomenon, only when experiencing the following signs, it is likely that the baby is constipated:
The child has a distended stomach Sad to have a bowel movement but cannot pass The child has to push a lot when having a bowel movement The stool pattern is very dry, solid and small... Parents can pay attention to the above symptoms to promptly detect abnormal conditions of their children and take appropriate action.

2. The cause of the baby's constipation

Most of the reasons why babies are constipated on solid foods come from mistakes made by parents when planning a menu for their children, specifically as follows:
Start weaning too early The best time to give your baby solids is usually at the end of the day. At this time, the baby's digestive system is not yet complete, so it cannot digest all foods, leading to food accumulation. eat and cause constipation.

Nguyên nhân bé ăn dặm bị táo bón có thể do những sai lầm của phụ huynh khi lên thực đơn cho con
Nguyên nhân bé ăn dặm bị táo bón có thể do những sai lầm của phụ huynh khi lên thực đơn cho con
Low supply of breast milk When weaning is just beginning, food is just an additional source of energy, and breast milk is still the baby's main source of nutrition. Nutritionists recommend that mothers continue to breastfeed babies for at least the first year of life and can last longer if the baby wants. Stopping breastfeeding during the weaning period can lead to constipation, because breast milk is not only rich in nutrients, but also provides the water and enzymes needed to digest food.
Give your child too thick milk/powder/porridge Many parents find that their children are not gaining weight as desired, worried that their children will lack nutrients, so they arbitrarily combine many types of milk or add a spoonful of milk to their powder/porridge. children to have many substances. As a result, the child cannot absorb all of it, leading to excess nutrition. There are also cases where the mother deliberately cooks condensed flour, mixed milk with less water for her child with good intentions, on the contrary, causing the baby to be constipated, bored and afraid to eat.
Children are dehydrated Water is an essential element of the body of both adults and children. Previously, babies were exclusively breastfed, but during the weaning period, mothers also need to pay attention to adding water to their babies. Water helps dilute food, aids digestion. The condition of the stool is dry and difficult to push out also because the baby lacks water and fiber.

3. How to give children solid foods to overcome constipation?

When you have a child with this condition, you will surely worry and learn about how to introduce solid foods to your baby to overcome constipation. Here are some suggestions for you when your baby is constipated.
3.1. Change the menu For your baby's weaning foods, you should make them liquid and soft, and don't give them solid, dry and indigestible foods. Some foods familiar to Vietnamese people such as broccoli, carrots, cereals, rice... are actually quite hard, which can make it difficult for children to pass stools and dry stools. Mothers can replace foods rich in fiber such as pears, barley cereals, oats, ... into the child's menu.
Diluted porridge and formula mixed in the right ratio are also dishes that help your baby's digestive system easily get used to new foods. However, there is no need to force the baby to eat too much, but it must be suitable for the individual needs of the child.
When your baby gets used to solid foods, you can add green leafy vegetables, pureed fruits and vegetables, suitable seafood, eggs, etc. The consistency of the food is gradually increased with each step. month. Besides, mothers should also add yogurt to increase beneficial intestinal bacteria, add digestive enzymes such as amylase, protease,... Constipated weaning.
3.2. Adequate hydration Water plays a major role in colonic excretion. Therefore, every day, the mother should add mineral water and natural fruit juices such as orange juice and grapefruit juice to the child (grinding also orange and grapefruit cloves to increase fiber). Should choose sweet fruit to avoid having to use a lot of sugar. Limit the use of pre-packaged beverages.

Bạn cần cung cấp đầy đủ nước để hạn chế tình trạng bé ăn dặm bị táo bón
Bạn cần cung cấp đầy đủ nước để hạn chế tình trạng bé ăn dặm bị táo bón
Weaning babies also need to be combined with regular milk feeding during the day, at least 600 ml of milk. In case the baby is less breastfed, the mother can take the powdered milk to make yogurt, mix it with mashed potatoes and feed the baby with a spoon. Don't wean your baby too soon, instead let your baby breastfeed until 24 months of age if possible.
3.3. Let children move, massage the body Physical activity helps children increase metabolism and digestion. Therefore, every day, mothers should always encourage their children to exercise and play so that they are healthy and eat well. If your baby is still not able to crawl or walk, you can help him lie down, pedal, stretch his arms. Let your child play with toys that automatically move, roll and stimulate both curiosity and increase the child's motor level. Teaching children the habit of going to the toilet on time is also a good measure to prevent constipation.
In addition, massage is also a good treatment for the health of children. Not only will this help your baby feel more relaxed and comfortable, but it will also increase blood circulation and bowel movements, so they can better digest food. Parents should learn how to massage the abdomen for their children every day, about 1 hour after eating.
Constipation in 6-month-old baby, 7-month-old baby with solid foods is quite common, but not so that parents can be subjective and avoid prolonging making the child uncomfortable. To prevent constipation, parents need to understand properly what is balanced, healthy, nutritious and enough water for babies. In addition, the baby needs to add the necessary micronutrients: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, achieve the right height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
If constipation still does not improve after applying the above measures, you need to take your child to a reputable medical facility for early examination and treatment, to avoid the risk of complications related to the gastrointestinal tract. .
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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