Menu for children with slow weight gain, thin, weak, malabsorption

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Children who are slow to gain weight, thin and weak, and have poor absorption will more or less affect their physical and mental development. Slow weight gain is a common concern of many parents with young children. The menu suggestions for children who are slow to gain weight, thin and poorly absorbed below will help parents have more useful knowledge to take care of their babies best.

1. Principles of nutrition for children with slow weight gain, thin and weak, malabsorption

Some nutritional principles in the menu for children who are slow to gain weight, thin and malabsorption include:
Prepare a meal that looks interesting by being creative with its presentation. Try to cook dishes in new ways. Add color by adding a variety of vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, red/yellow/green bell peppers, beets, etc. Bright colors have an immediate appeal to children. Cut solid foods into different shapes. It adds to the appeal of the fruit/food and heightens the child's interest in Storytelling around the food (e.g. Broccoli with cheese could be a tree covered in snow). Offer your child 6 or 7 smaller meals a day instead of 3 large meals, especially during the first few years of life. Toddlers can get overwhelmed by many large plates and lose their appetite. Add cooking oil, olive oil and animal fat to your child's meals. Don't allow unhealthy snacking between scheduled meals as junk food can "kill" the appetite. Avoid giving your child juices and foods high in sugar between meals. Remember that your child will be more willing to try new foods, especially when hungry. Don't force new foods because your child will start to hate them. Your child may associate mealtime with anxiety and frustration. Set a positive example by acting as a model by eating all the foods you want your child to eat. Children are most likely to try the foods their parents and friends are eating with gusto. Make dinner a family meal, where your child experiences his or her whole family enjoying all the dishes served on the table and being encouraged to try new dishes. Try to keep your emotions in check and don't scream when your child won't eat other foods. The child may then associate mealtime with stress. Be patient and give your child time to work it out on his own from time to time. Don't give up, it takes several exposures to a new food before your child can taste it. Don't let your child drink water right before and during meals because even water can fill up the stomach, tricking your child into feeling full.

2. Recommended foods for children with slow weight gain, thin and weak, malabsorption

2.1. High-calorie foods Breast milk, full-fat milk, whipped cream, whipped cream, cheese, milkshakes and yogurt smoothies Peanut butter (try a little at first to rule out allergies), eggs Meats like Chicken, pig, beef is one of the menus for children with poor absorption, slow weight gain, and weak health. Fruits such as banana, mango, lychee, grape, sapodilla, avocado, papaya, peach, pear... Dried fruit (such as figs, raisins and prunes); sugar mixture with nuts, honey,... Olive oil, vegetable oil, animal fat. 2.2. Protein-rich foods Try giving your child good sources of protein to promote adequate growth such as:
Fish: sardines and salmon Soy milk, tofu Dried beans like kabuli chana/ lobia/ black chana/ rajma/ dry beans, other lentils Cereals like finger millet, oats... are one of the menus for skinny kids, slow to gain weight Vegetables like fresh beans, broccoli, spinach, okra , squash, watercress, peanut butter, banana

Cá hồi là một trong những thực phẩm không thể thiếu trong thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân
Cá hồi là một trong những thực phẩm không thể thiếu trong thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân

3. Some menus for children with slow weight gain, thin and weak, malabsorption

3.1. Quail porridge helps children gain weight Feed this dish when the child is 15 months old.
* Ingredients:
- Quail: 1 bird (250g - 300g)
- Sticky rice: 30g
- Plain rice: 50g
- Dried tangerine peel: 30g
- Cooking oil, spices
* Implementation:
- Quail clean feathers, remove only the body part, remove the legs, intestines, head, wings and marinate spices for 20 minutes
- Clean glutinous rice, plain rice.
- Crushed tangerine peel mixed with glutinous rice and plain rice stuffed into the bird's belly
- Put the pot on the stove for the quail to add a little water to cook into porridge, seasoning to taste the baby's mouth
- Cooked porridge picked up all bones, scoop out a bit of seasoning, cilantro and cooking oil, stir well, let it cool to use
- Should give the child porridge while it is still warm.
3.2. Cheese and potato soup Cheese is especially attractive to young children, they contain a lot of protein, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B12 to stimulate children's appetite and enhance absorption. Can be fed to children from 8 months old and up.
* Ingredients:
- Potato: 1 small tuber
- Pork (or chicken...): 30 grams
- Chicken broth: 200 ml
- Cheese: 1-2 tablets
- Seasoning Just enough
* Implementation:
- Potatoes are washed, steamed, peeled, pureed
- Pork is washed, minced and put into chicken broth
- Boil the broth and then put potatoes in
- Stir in cheese until melted.
- Boil porridge, scoop out into a bowl, let it cool down, then let the child eat it.
3.3. Crab and carrot porridge Sea crab meat is one of the foods that are rich in zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, these nutrients not only help to increase absorption but also contribute to improving immunity for children. Food for children from 9 months and older
* Ingredients:
- Crab meat: 20g
- Carrot: 20g
- Sweet corn: 20g
- Olive oil, spices, ginger, lemongrass
* Food Execution:
- Wash and steam the crab with ginger and lemongrass
- Remove the crab meat and put it in a separate bowl
- Separate the sweet corn and grind the seeds with 90 ml of water, filter out the residue. The collected corn juice is used to cook porridge.
- When cooking, add 1/2 carrot to the casserole, and 1/2 chopped or chopped depending on the child's ability to eat. After about 45 minutes, when porridge is cooked, remove the stewed carrots and add chopped carrots to cook.
- Wait for the porridge to be cooked, then the mother brings out the crab meat and minces it, in the pan add a little olive oil and fried onions.
- When the porridge is cooked, scoop out into a bowl, sprinkle crab meat on top. Feed while still warm
3.4. Sweet potato fish porridge Sweet potato fish porridge is a menu for children to gain weight, rich in vitamins and minerals. The dish is suitable for babies from 12 months and up.
* Ingredients:
- Fish (snake) or red snapper, basa: 1 piece 100g
- Sweet potato: 50g
- Purple onion: 1 bulb
- White porridge
- 2 teaspoons cooking oil , seasoning
* Make:
- Fish are washed, steamed, pureed
- Sweet potatoes, washed, steamed, pureed
- Peeled purple onions, minced
- Sauteed onions with a little oil eat, add water and bring white porridge to boil.
- Put the mashed fish and potatoes into the porridge to boil again
- The porridge is cooked, scoop the porridge into a bowl, add a little cooking oil, let it cool down to eat.

Thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân không thể thiếu các món cháo giàu dinh dưỡng
Thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân không thể thiếu các món cháo giàu dinh dưỡng

4. Tell you the menu in 1 week for children from 3 years old with slow weight gain, thin, poor absorption

Thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân trong 1 tuần dành cho trẻ từ 3 tuổi
Thực đơn cho trẻ chậm tăng cân trong 1 tuần dành cho trẻ từ 3 tuổi

5. A few notes on the menu for children with slow weight gain, thin, weak, malabsorption

The baby's weight does not affect the baby's health, unless the baby is malnourished. If your baby is happy and active then that means you have nothing to worry about. The child's high metabolic activity may be the cause of the child's weight loss. Genes play an important role in determining a child's weight and body structure. So if you and your husband/one of your family are getting thinner, don't expect your kids to be fat. A chubby baby doesn't mean a healthy baby. A chubby, unresponsive baby is cause for concern. While feeding, avoid watching TV, playing games, exercising because the nutrients from food will not be absorbed by the child's body. In short, children with slow weight gain, thinness, and poor absorption will affect their physical and mental development. Therefore, parents need to have a menu for children who are slow to gain weight, thin and weak, and poorly absorbed in order to best care for their baby. In particular, the baby should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, increase resistance to less minor illnesses as well as less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.
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