What to do in case of acute stomach pain?

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Acute stomach pain is a concept that is no longer strange to many people, but not everyone is aware of its seriousness. So what to do when you have an acute stomachache?

1. What is the cause of acute stomach pain?

According to statistics of the World Health Organization, about 1.5 billion people have acute stomach attacks. Among them, middle-aged patients account for the highest percentage.
Acute stomach pain is a condition in which ulcers appear in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the ulcer will spread and deepen, making the patient feel uncomfortable and painful in the abdomen. When suffering from stomach pain, the three most common pain locations are the epigastrium, the middle abdomen, and the left lower abdomen. Acute stomach pain can result from many different causes.
1.1. Microbial infection causing stomach pain Acute stomach pain can occur due to the strong activity of harmful microorganisms or fungi inside the stomach. If conditions are right, these bacteria or fungi can thrive and cause stomach ulcers. In particular, Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of gastritis.
1.2. Unreasonable diet Unscientific eating habits are one of the leading causes of ulcers and acute stomach pain. Many people often eat at the wrong time, lack meals, use fast food, hot spicy food. In addition, the use of unsafe food, rancid food or stimulants such as beer, alcohol, tobacco, ... can also increase the risk of stomach ulcers.
1.3. Psychological causes Many studies have shown that people who often have to work under stress and pressure will be more prone to stomach diseases than normal people. That's because when people are stressed or under stress, the stomach is often more active, the body also increases the production of a hormone called glucocorticoid, which increases gastric acid secretion and leads to stomach ulcers.
1.4. Drug use Abuse of certain drugs is also the cause of acute stomach pain. Medicines that can cause stomach ulcers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers (eg Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Ketoprofen); Corticosteroids,... Patients should pay attention to using the drug according to the doctor's prescription and consult the medical staff before using it to prevent adverse side effects of the drug.

2. What to do when acute stomach pain?

Acute stomach pain is a very common condition, but many people are still subjective, ignore the symptoms and do not seek medical attention. If not treated early, patients can face the risk of chronic gastric diseases, even dangerous complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric perforation. Here are some ways to deal with acute stomach pain:
When there is epigastric pain, the patient needs to go to the doctor as soon as possible to detect the disease and treat it promptly. Treatment is first of all symptomatic treatment, especially pain relief, anti-inflammatory, anti-gastric acid secretion and antiemetic. If the patient's stomach pain is suspected to be caused by food poisoning, it should be treated as soon as possible. In some severe cases, severe pain, vomiting accompanied by signs of gastrointestinal bleeding, patients need to go to the hospital immediately for emergency treatment of acute stomach pain. In case of bacterial gastritis, the patient will be prescribed treatment with appropriate antibiotics. Currently, there are many treatment regimens for HP bacteria depending on the condition of each patient. HP regimens often require many drugs, long treatment time, which can cause inconvenience to patients and lead to poor patient compliance. However, patients should note that they need to be treated according to the regimen, not to arbitrarily stop the drug or change the regimen because it can make bacteria resistant to antibiotics and in the future will be very difficult to treat. If stomach pain is suspected due to the use of medication, the patient should immediately contact a doctor or pharmacist for appropriate advice. Strengthen the body's resistance by eating adequate nutrients, taking extra vitamins, especially vitamin B12. Build a scientific diet: do not eat foods that are too sour, spicy, limit alcohol and beer. Should eat on time, eat slowly, chew thoroughly. Need to rest, relax, avoid excessive stress. Don't stay up late (beyond 11pm) and also shouldn't wake up too early (before 5:00am). If a family member has gastritis caused by HP bacteria, the utensils used for daily eating should be cleaned and disinfected with boiled water because HP bacteria can be transmitted by eating. In short, stomach pain has many different causes. In order to limit acute stomach pain, patients should build a healthy lifestyle, eat hygienically, scientifically, and use drugs according to the instructions of medical staff.

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