What snacks should be given to the baby?

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Besides the main meal, snacks for children are necessary to help children develop comprehensively, serving their daily learning and playing needs. Below are foods that can be added to the diet if the mother does not know what snacks should be given to her baby.

1. Adding yogurt to snacks for children to eat solids

Yogurt is one of the nutritious, easy-to-eat foods and is also a favorite food of many children. Yogurt is a dairy product, so it has the ability to provide abundant energy, protein and calcium, helping children grow stronger and more active every day. In addition, yogurt is also a source of food to maintain good probiotic bacteria for the intestines of children, improve digestive system health and protect children from common digestive problems.
In addition, yogurt is very convenient for mothers, because it does not take time to process and can be combined with many different dishes for children. Currently, yogurt has many different flavors for mothers to choose the child's favorite type.

2. Fruit supplement for children

Fruit is one of the foods that should be added to the snacks for children to eat weaning. The fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, natural fiber is beneficial for the digestive process and enhances absorption as well as supports the development of the child's body. Most of the fruits are sweet and easy to eat and are also the favorite foods of many children. The fruits that mothers can add to the snacks for children to eat solid foods such as bananas, avocados, apples, papayas,... In particular, the fruit contains a lot of protein and fat, which many experts recommend to children. use. Because they provide a number of calories to help children grow healthy, provide a full range of essential micronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, omega-3, ... beneficial for intellectual and physical development of children.
To feed children properly, mothers can process fruits to suit their children's taste such as:
Avocado: Puree a mixture of avocado mixed with porridge or slice into small pieces with milk or sugar Make cool snacks for children. However, parents need to be aware that avocados have a lot of energy and are very high in fat and protein. Therefore, every day mothers should only feed their children 1/2 avocado. Apples: You can peel apples and put them in a saucepan over low heat for 15-20 minutes to soften the apples. Then, grind it fine and give it to your baby to eat with yogurt or milk. Papaya and banana: These are all soft ripe fruits with sweet taste, so they are easy to eat and do not need much processing. Mothers only need to slice or dice or puree for children to eat. Sometimes mothers can also change the child's taste by eating with fresh milk or yogurt. For babies from 6-8 months old, mothers should remember that just eat 1 small banana or 1/2 piece of ripe papaya for a snack and then gradually increase it.

Trái cây là một trong những thực phẩm nên bổ sung vào bữa phụ cho trẻ ăn dặm
Trái cây là một trong những thực phẩm nên bổ sung vào bữa phụ cho trẻ ăn dặm

3. Nutrient-rich cereals

Grains including nuts and beans are considered nutrient-dense foods, because they contain a lot of protein to help children develop muscles, rich in antioxidants to prevent inflammation. In addition, essential vitamins and minerals, fiber such as calcium, zinc, iron participate in the process of perfecting the child's organs and senses. Some beans also provide beneficial bacteria for the digestive system and promote intestinal health to help children prevent diseases related to the digestive system.
Common cereals commonly used as weaning meals for children include green beans, brown rice, black beans, red beans, white sesame,... Mothers can combine many types of nuts in one meal. Weaning foods to diversify nutrition sources for children. A simple way of processing for mothers is to wash and dry with nuts and beans to drain, then puree and store in a clean glass jar, close the lid tightly to dry. When it's time for a snack, the mother just takes out about 2-3 tablespoons of powder and mixes it with water and stirs until the dough thickens, then turns off the heat, you can add a little milk to stir it up for the baby to use.

4. Sweet potatoes as snacks for children

Sweet potatoes are one of the popular foods in Vietnam and are rich in nutrients. In addition to the starch and protein content to help children gain weight and develop muscles, abundant fiber also supports the digestive system. In addition, sweet potatoes also provide a lot of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which is very good for children's eyes. Besides, sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, iron and potassium which are good for heart health as well as brain of children. Sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet taste with a soft texture when cooked, making them a perfect snack for babies.
The way to process sweet potatoes is that the mother can wash the potatoes, then peel them, cut them into small pieces, and then stew them for 10-12 minutes. Wait for the potatoes to cool down, then add 4-5 tablespoons of milk and put them in a blender or crush them by hand to form a smooth paste that is easy for children to eat. In addition, mothers can also combine sweet potatoes with green beans, pumpkin, eggs or cook porridge to make a side meal.

Ngũ cốc giàu chất dinh dưỡng thích hợp làm bữa phụ cho trẻ ăn dặm
Ngũ cốc giàu chất dinh dưỡng thích hợp làm bữa phụ cho trẻ ăn dặm

5. Add potatoes to snacks for children to eat solids

Potato is a tuber rich in starch, potassium and vitamin A, vitamin C, and very rich in energy. A cooked steamed potato contains about 252 calories and can provide enough energy equivalent to 1 main meal for children. Therefore, when preparing a snack for children to eat potatoes, mothers need to pay attention to reduce a little porridge or flour in the daily diet to balance nutrients.
The simplest way that mothers can prepare snacks for their children is to peel potatoes, slice or dice them and put them in the steamer. Wait until the potato is cooked, take it out and puree it, mix it with milk for the baby to eat. When children are older and have more teeth, mothers can also teach children to chew by eating steamed diced potatoes.
In short, snacks for babies have become the top concern of many parents who have children entering the weaning age. At this age, children's bodies develop rapidly and need a lot of energy for learning, exploring and playing activities, but breast milk no longer has enough nutrients for children to develop comprehensively. Therefore, parents can add foods such as yogurt, fruits, potatoes, cereals and sweet potatoes as complementary snacks for children.
Besides, the baby also needs to be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
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