What should I do if the gas produces a lot of bean residue?

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Vaginal discharge can be a warning sign of a vaginal infection. If not treated early, the disease can lead to inflammation of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ... affecting fertility in the future.

1. What is bad breath?

Vaginal discharge (also called white discharge) is discharge from the vagina and cervix. Normally, there is always a certain amount of vaginal discharge in a woman's vagina (physiological discharge). It is produced by the pituitary gland, plays a role in maintaining vaginal moisture, balancing pH, supporting easier sexual activity, and contributing to protecting the vagina from bacterial infections.
In the normal state, discharge has the following characteristics:
Colorless, transparent like egg white or slightly white; Slightly sticky, no lumps, no thickening or thinning; Odorless or very mild, non-irritating; In normal days, discharge is very little. Vaginal discharge is only more abundant during sexual stimulation, menstruation and ovulation. When the vaginal discharge is profuse and has the characteristics of bean paste, the patient should be careful because it can be a warning sign of a vaginal infection.

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2. What to do if the gas produces a lot of bean residue?

2.1 Vaginal discharge as much as bean curd is what disease? When the discharge is as much as peas, milky white, has a bad smell, is effervescent or crusty, this is a manifestation of vaginitis - a common gynecological disease. According to statistics, up to 90% of Vietnamese women of reproductive age have ever had a vaginal infection. The causative agent of vaginitis is mainly Candida yeast.
In addition to symptoms of vaginal discharge such as pox, women may also have other signs such as:
Vaginal mucosa is red and swollen; Hot, itchy vagina; Pain, possibly bleeding during sex; Difficulty urinating. The condition of excessive discharge, similar to bean paste, has a bad smell, causing itching and burning pain in the vagina, making women insecure, psychologically affecting and disrupting work and daily activities. In particular, if vaginal infections are not treated thoroughly, yeast can spread to the upper genital system, causing many dangerous gynecological diseases such as ectropion, pelvic inflammatory disease, metritis, etc. .. can lead to infertility and infertility. Pregnant women, if they have vaginitis, can increase the chances of miscarriage, premature birth,...
2.2 Why is the discharge as much as peas? Candida yeast can live in moist environments on human skin, in the mouth, intestinal tract or vagina of women. Normally, the yeast Candida survives in the vagina without causing harm. They maintain a stable population, peacefully coexisting with other beneficial and harmful bacteria. When the pH environment of the vagina is disturbed, the immune system is reduced, a number of beneficial bacteria will be lost, yeast will grow quickly, causing inflammation.

Nấm men Candida là nguyên nhân chủ yếu gây ra viêm âm đạo
Nấm men Candida là nguyên nhân chủ yếu gây ra viêm âm đạo

Favorable conditions that increase the risk of Candida yeast growth include:
Improper vaginal hygiene; Having unprotected sex; Vagina hurt or scratched; Pregnant and postpartum women, hormonal changes make it easier for yeast to grow; Using antibiotics for long-term treatment; Women with chronic diseases that weaken the resistance such as hepatitis, kidney failure, diabetes, sepsis, arthritis, infections on the body,... 2.3 What to do when the discharge is as much as sebum bean? When detecting a lot of vaginal discharge, bubbling or depositing like peas, accompanied by symptoms of itching and burning pain during sex, women should take the initiative to go to the hospital for examination. Here, doctors will perform necessary tests such as pH test, vaginal swab, ... to determine whether the causative agent is bacteria, fungi or bacteria and develop a treatment regimen. suitable treatment.
Usually, yeast vaginitis is mainly treated with oral antibiotics, vaginal inflammation, and topical antifungal creams that aim to kill the fungal cells. Treatment usually lasts 7-14 days or as prescribed by a doctor.
2.4 Measures to prevent the risk of recurrence Candida yeast infection is characterized by easy recurrence, so after killing the fungus, the fungus still resides in the vagina, easy to recur after a few menstrual cycles. In addition, the use of Western medicine to treat vaginitis is only temporary and cannot control the recurrence of bacteria. In addition, some women develop drug resistance or allergies. In others, women have infections in pre-menopause, hormone decline and high superinfection, so the disease is easy to recur.

Sử dụng thuốc để điều trị dễ gây tình trạng kháng thuốc kèm theo các tác dụng phụ
Sử dụng thuốc để điều trị dễ gây tình trạng kháng thuốc kèm theo các tác dụng phụ

Therefore, in order to prevent the risk of recurrence of vaginal yeast infections that cause vaginitis, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:
Use of drugs: Strictly follow the doctor's instructions in taking the right medicine at the right dose , time, do not arbitrarily stop the drug without the doctor's permission and do not arbitrarily replace other drugs,...; If the infection is spread from the husband, both husband and wife should be treated simultaneously and should avoid sexual intercourse during the treatment period; Keeping the vaginal pH environment stable by enhancing the body's natural immunity, improving resistance,... Done by ensuring a healthy, nutritious diet; limit greasy or spicy foods, especially sugar; eat lots of green vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C; say no to alcohol and stimulants; enough sleep 7-9 hours/day; regularly practice physical training and sports; balance between rest and work, reduce stress; Pay attention to daily hygiene of the private area: Because the private area is located in a special position (in front is the urinary hole, behind is the anus, so it is easy to spread bacteria), so it is necessary to pay attention to cleanliness. Some important notes are: Wash the vaginal area from front to back to prevent germs from moving from the rectum to the vagina; when urinating, use toilet paper to wipe from top to bottom; do not douche inside the vagina; should wear loose and airy clothes, underwear must be stretchy and good perspiration; Menstrual days should change tampons regularly (4 hours/time, wash the intimate area 2-3 times/day); do not soak in dirty water, do not soak the bath for too long and should keep the bath clean; select feminine hygiene solution suitable for age and location; Visit a gynecologist regularly to detect early signs of abnormalities and take timely treatment. Vaginal discharge with many varieties of bean paste is a manifestation of gynecological infections, affecting the quality of life and even fertility of women. Therefore, when experiencing this symptom, the patient should go to the doctor as soon as possible for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Người bện nên sớm đi khám và điều trị để không bị ảnh hưởng đến khả năng sinh sản
Người bện nên sớm đi khám và điều trị để không bị ảnh hưởng đến khả năng sinh sản

In order to help customers detect and treat other gynecological diseases early, Vinmec International Hospital has a basic gynecological examination and screening package, helping customers detect early inflammatory diseases Easy, inexpensive treatment. Screening for early detection of gynecological cancer (cervical cancer) even when there are no symptoms Basic gynecological examination and screening package for female customers, has no age limit and can have the following symptoms:
Irregular bleeding in the vaginal area Menstrual problems: irregular periods, irregular periods Abnormal vaginal discharge (smell, different color) Pain , vaginal itching Female customers have several risk factors such as poor personal hygiene, unsafe sex, abortion,... Female customers have other symptoms such as: Unusual vaginal discharge often, itching, vaginal pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding. Make an appointment with the leading gynecologists in Vinmec for detailed advice.

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