What is the sign of pain in the lower extremities?

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I have a bulging blue tendon in my lower extremity causing pain, pressing my finger on it is even more painful. After about 3 hours, there was no more swelling but the place was bruised again. Hope the doctor can only help the lower extremity to cause pain, what is the sign of the disease? Thank you.
Vu Thi Van (1979)
Hello! The information you provided may be related to venous disease of the lower extremities. You should see a Cardiologist to be examined and perform some necessary tests to accurately determine your condition.
If you need more advice about what is the sign of pain in the lower extremities, you can register for examination and consultation at the hospitals of Vinmec Health System. Thank you for sending questions to Vinmec doctors.
Master, Doctor Pham Van Hung - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital
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