What is the purpose of 2 hours postprandial blood glucose test?

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Glucose parameters in clinical tests are quite common parameters used to assess blood sugar status, thereby making diagnoses as well as monitoring type 1 diabetes, type 1 diabetes. 2 or gestational diabetes.

1. What is a 2 hour postprandial blood glucose test?

Postprandial glucose test is a test used to measure the body's postprandial glucose levels to check for diabetes.
When you have diabetes, your body does not produce enough insulin to control blood sugar, leading to too high blood sugar levels causing serious health problems such as nerve and eye damage.
Glucose test 2 hours after eating will help look at the body's response to glucose and starch after eating.

2. Purpose of postprandial glucose testing

When food is digested in the stomach, the concentration of serum glucose or blood sugar will increase sharply. In response to this condition, the pancreas releases insulin to move sugar from the blood into the cells of muscles and other tissues. Therefore, within 2 hours of eating, insulin and blood glucose levels will return to normal.
At this time, the postprandial glucose test will know the blood glucose concentration. If glucose remains high, the patient is likely to have diabetes.

3. When is a 2 hour postprandial blood glucose test indicated?

Giảm thị lực được chỉ định với xét nghiệm glucose máu
Giảm thị lực được chỉ định với xét nghiệm glucose máu

A 2-hour postprandial blood glucose test will be ordered in patients with diabetes or other insulin related disorders or who have the following symptoms:
Frequent urination Frequent thirst Decreased vision Fatigue Recurrent Infection Wound healing In addition, this test can also be used to screen for gestational diabetes for early detection and treatment to avoid dangerous complications during pregnancy.

4. The process of performing a blood glucose test after eating

Patients will be instructed to fast for 12 hours prior to the test and to eat a meal with at least 74g of carbohydrates. After that, you should not eat anything else before the test. The patient will rest for the next 2 hours to avoid the risk of causing changes in blood glucose levels. Samples will be taken from venous blood using the same procedures as a regular blood test.

5. Meaning of postprandial glucose test results

Suy tuyến yên có thể làm nồng độ đường huyết giảm
Suy tuyến yên có thể làm nồng độ đường huyết giảm

A test result that is considered to be within the normal range of a 2-hour postprandial glucose test is:
Age 0-50: < 140 mg/dl or < 7.8 mmol Age 50-60: < 150 mg/dl Over 60 years old: < 160 mg/dl If values ​​are higher than normal it could be due to the following reasons:
Diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes Malnutrition Hyperthyroidism Cushing's syndrome Chronic kidney failure Patients on diuretics Patients on corticosteroids In addition, if blood glucose levels decrease, it may be due to:
Insulin secreting tumors Hypothyroidism Hypopituitarism Addison's disease Malabsorption or malabsorption All questions If you have any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you want to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online at THIS .
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