What diseases are obese children at risk for?

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The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Ngo Thi Oanh - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
The number of children who are overweight or obese does not stop but tends to increase and this is also the cause of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes,...) in the future to increase. .

1. What causes obesity in children?

Children can become overweight or obese for a variety of reasons, the most common of which include: genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits, or is a combination of many different reasons.
Only a small number of cases of overweight are caused by medical conditions, such as: Hormonal disorders .
However, not all children in a family with a history of obesity are overweight.
Diet and activity level are important aspects that affect children's weight. Children today tend to be less active, because they can amuse themselves for hours by watching television, playing video games, using the internet,... instead of traditional physical activities. system.

Di truyền có thể là nguyên nhân khiến trẻ béo phì
Di truyền có thể là nguyên nhân khiến trẻ béo phì

2. What diseases are obese children at risk of?

Children who are obese still face an increased risk of certain conditions, including:
Increased cholesterol levels High blood pressure Early cardiovascular disease Diabetes Bone problems Joint problems dermatology, such as: Heat rash, fungal infections, acne,...

3. How do I know if my child is overweight?

The doctor will measure the height and weight of the child to calculate the body mass index (BMI), then compare with the standard values. Besides the body mass index, the doctor can also monitor the growth chart of the child by age.

Chỉ số BMI giúp xác định trẻ bị thừa cân hay không
Chỉ số BMI giúp xác định trẻ bị thừa cân hay không

4. If my child is overweight, what should I do?

If their child is overweight, the first thing parents need to do is understand, share as well as let the child understand the parents' concern about weight with the child.
Separating children just because of weight issues is absolutely not advisable. Instead, the whole family should work together to change eating habits, exercise habits, so that each person understands the importance of a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle

5. How can the whole family practice healthy habits?

There are many ways for the whole family to engage with children in healthy habits, especially physical activities.
Let's take by example by example. If a child sees their parents regularly enjoying physical activity, it is easier for them to become active and maintain that activity for the foreseeable future. Plan family activities like walking, biking, or swimming. Children who are overweight may not be comfortable participating in certain activities. So understand and help your child participate in physical activities that he enjoys, do not make him difficult or uncomfortable. Cut down on family time spent on sedentary activities, like watching television or playing video games.

Giúp trẻ duy trì thói quen tập thể dục giúp ngăn ngừa tình trạng béo phì
Giúp trẻ duy trì thói quen tập thể dục giúp ngăn ngừa tình trạng béo phì
Either way, when the whole family is involved in forming and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, every member of the family benefits from that lifestyle. And beyond the benefits now enjoyed, the child will understand the importance of practicing a healthy lifestyle, thereby creating awareness and helping him maintain the practice throughout his or her life.

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Article reference source: webmd.com
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