What is the cause of fast heart rate after waking up?

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The doctor asked me, why when I wake up, go out of the room, my heart beats fast (about 120 beats / min) for about 5 minutes and then returns to about 90 beats / minute. When the baby is lying down, the heart is still beating normally. Ask your doctor to advise you.
Pham Van Hoang Minh (2000)
Hello Hoang Minh. Give your doctor more information about the symptoms that come with your child's tachycardia. Some other cases increase the heart rate is physiological (ie there is no disease) such as increased exercise, ... then the heart rate returns to normal. So if your heart rate is fast, and you feel nervous, palpitations, chest pain ... then you should see a cardiologist!
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BSCK II Ho Viet Le Diem - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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