What is the cause of delayed period?

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Hello doctor! I got my period on March 8, after my period, my wife and I had sex, but until today, April 7, I haven't seen my period. I bought a test strip to use but it doesn't show two lines, I went for an ultrasound but didn't detect any gestational sac? Am I at risk of getting pregnant and is there any reason why I missed my period? Thanks for the advice doctor!
Anonymous question
Hello! Having sex after a period is considered relatively safe. Moreover, you have taken a pregnancy test as well as a visit with a doctor that has shown that you are not pregnant. In fact, not every missed period will make you pregnant. Menstrual delay is often caused by the following causes: excessive weight loss, sudden weight gain, excessive exercise, stress, stress, missed periods due to side effects of medications, stimulant use, early menopause, and premature menopause. is the cause of missed periods, gynecological diseases, polycystic ovaries, thyroid problems, endocrine disorders...
To make sure you can go to reputable medical facilities such as Obstetrics - Hospitals under Vinmec Health System register for examination for more specific advice.
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