Uses of Vastad

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Vastad is one of the most commonly used gynecological suppositories today. Vastad is the perfect combination of 3 active ingredients: Metronidazol, Nystatin and Neomycin. The drug is effective in the treatment of gynecological infections caused by fungi and bacteria.

1. What is Vastad?

Vastad is a drug in the group of drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases.
The main ingredient in the drug Vastad contains:
Metronidazole 500mg. Nystatin content 100000 IU. Neomycin sulfate content 65000 IU. Basic information about the main ingredients of the drug to know:
1.1. Metronidazole Metronidazole is an antibacterial drug in the nitro-5 imidazole family.
The drug is absorbed fairly quickly from the oral route. Tests in patients have shown that the serum concentrations achieved after injection and after oral administration are similar. Metronidazole is metabolized mainly in the liver and oxidized to alcohol and acid.
Metronidazole can cross the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.
Effect of Metronidazol:
When entering the body, Metronidazol makes some helical structures of DNA, thereby helping to kill bacteria, kill single-celled organisms. The drug has good effects on amoeba inside and outside the intestine, treating both acute and chronic forms. However, the treatment of chronic intestinal amoebic dysentery will take longer due to the less effective drug because the ability to penetrate the colon of Metronidazole is slightly low. Metronidazole is effective in the treatment of infections caused by gram-negative anaerobes. The drug has no effect on aerobic bacteria. Metronidazole is indicated for use in:
Treatment of nonspecific vaginitis. Treatment and prevention of surgical infections associated with anaerobic bacteria. Treatment of diseases caused by amoeba or Trichomonas. 1.2. Nystatin Nystatin is a very good antifungal agent. Nystatin has a fungicidal and fungicidal effect. The drug has a good effect on yeast, Candida fungi.
The drug is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, not absorbed through the mucous membranes, through the skin. In the body, Nystatin is eliminated mainly in the faeces in the unchanged form.
Indications for use of Nystatin in the following cases:
Treatment and prevention of fungal infections in the mucosa caused by Candida albicans. For example: thrush, intestinal thrush, pharyngitis, fungal vaginitis... Treatment and prevention in people at risk of fungal infections, especially people with AIDS. The drug is indicated in the treatment of Candida albican infections in both the elderly and children. 1.3. Neomycin Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Neomycin occurs in many topical medications, eye drops, and ointments. Neomycin has the ability to inhibit bacterial protein biosynthesis, thereby helping to kill bacteria. Neomycin is indicated for use in the following cases:
Local treatment of infections of the skin, ears or eyes that are caused by bacteria. Support in the treatment of hepatic coma caused by bacteria that produce NH3 in the intestinal tract. Treatment of diarrhea caused by Ecoli. In addition, the drug is also used in oral form for the purpose of cleansing the intestines of patients before surgery.

2. Uses of the drug Vastad

Vastad drug is the perfect combination of Metronidazole, Nystatin and Neomycin. This combination helps to increase the drug's spectrum of action, not only treating infectious diseases, but also effective in patients with fungal infections.
Vastad is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of vaginitis caused by infection with common pyogenic bacteria. Treatment of vaginitis caused by Trichomonas, Gardnerella vaginalis. Treatment of vaginitis caused by Candida albicans fungus. The drug is effective even in cases of vaginitis in combination with Trichomonas with yeast or due to many other agents in combination. In addition, the drug is also indicated to prevent inflammation 5 days before and after performing gynecological procedures. Contraindicated to use the drug in people with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug.

3. Dosage and how to use Vastad

Vastad is produced in the form of vaginal tablets. The drug is used through the route of placing directly into the vagina, not for oral use, peeling for injection or other drug routes.
Dosage: put 1 to 2 pills / day, use continuously for 10 days, symptoms will decrease quickly.

4. Side effects and notes when using Vastad

Actual treatment on patients shows that Vastad rarely causes clinical side effects during treatment. However, in sensitive cases, there may still be some conditions such as:
During the insertion of the drug, when entering the vagina, the drug will dissolve and may flow out. In addition, most patients will self-order at home. Therefore, if you do not ensure hand hygiene before and after applying the medicine, not cleaning the intimate area can make the infection worse. Nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, poor appetite. These manifestations rarely occur. Very rare symptoms: dizziness, headache, urticaria with itching sensation, pancreatitis, glossitis. In order to be safe for the patient and achieve the best treatment effect, when taking the drug, it is necessary to note the following:
Use the drug according to the instructions of the doctor, do not arbitrarily change the dose increase or decrease until consult a specialist or a person with medical expertise. Gloves should be worn when placing the drug to ensure sterility. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after applying the medicine. The medicine should be placed deep inside to prevent the medicine from falling or melting out. Moreover, if the drug is applied too shallowly, it will also reduce the therapeutic effect. If you miss a dose, order it as soon as you remember. In case it is almost time for the next dose, skip the old dose. Do not double the dose to make up for the missed dose. If the machine does not set the drug overdose, monitor for clinical signs including both local manifestations and systemic symptoms. Notify your doctor immediately when you see any unusual symptoms for support as soon as possible. Store medications according to the manufacturer's instructions. Keep medicine out of reach of children. Vaginitis or other diseases of the genital tract not only affect the health of the patient but also can adversely affect fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to detect early and promptly treat problems related to reproductive health to avoid complications later. Contact your doctor if you are in need of consultation and examination as well as advice on the best treatment methods.

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