What is the best medicine for thyroid cancer?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Le Thi My - Director of Thyroid Pathology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
“Is thyroid cancer curable?” The answer is yes, if the disease is detected early and treated properly. Thyroid cancer causes the thyroid gland to not produce enough hormones to keep the body functioning properly. Therefore, in order to maintain the normal activities of the body, it is imperative that the patient compensates for the hormone deficiency.
According to Doctor Le Thi My - Director of the Thyroid Pathology Center - Vinmec Times City General Hospital, patients with total thyroidectomy or partial thyroidectomy need to use thyroid cancer medicine for life. . The cost of using drugs to treat thyroid cancer is not expensive, patients taking thyroid tumor drugs regularly will help inhibit cancer cells from recurring and reduce the return of tumors.
Note when taking thyroid hormone replacement medicine is to use 1 dose for life. Each stage is different, the body will have different hormone needs, so the patient needs to have regular health check-ups, perform tests for the doctor to re-evaluate the disease status and prescribe medicine to treat thyroid tumors. appropriate, avoid overdose, affecting health.

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