How is early stage thyroid cancer treated?

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Hello doctor! I have early stage thyroid cancer. What treatment options are there in my case? How long can life last? (Giang Huy, 42 years old, Tuyen Quang)
Giang Huy (1978)
Hello! Treatment for thyroid cancer is surgery and treatment with radioactive iodine 131 is considered in some cases. The cure rate for differentiated thyroid cancer is very high. Therefore, you should go to a reputable oncology facility or one of the nearest Vinmec Health System hospitals for examination, consultation and treatment.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec, looking forward to meeting you for more specific advice. Best regards!
Answered by Professor, Doctor Doctor Mai Trong Khoa - Radiation Oncology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
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