What is mild mitral regurgitation (/4) and mild tricuspid regurgitation (/4)?

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Hello doctor. My mother has been sick and has been feeling tired for almost 2 months now. My mother went to the doctor and was diagnosed with mitral regurgitation: Mild (/4) and tricuspid regurgitation: Mild (/4). So the doctor asked me what is mild mitral regurgitation (/4) and mild tricuspid regurgitation (/4)? What is the best way to treat this disease? Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you.
Le Thi Giang , 1980
Hello. The doctor would like to answer the question: "What is mild mitral regurgitation (/4) and mild tricuspid regurgitation (/4)?" Your condition is as follows:
Mitral regurgitation 1/4 - mild Mitral regurgitation 1/4 is considered the mildest degree, if there are no symptoms, no treatment is required. If you have symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, or chest pain, it is a pathological regurgitation and requires medication to control symptoms.
Mitral regurgitation 2/4 - moderate At this level, there is rarely an indication to replace the valve, but it is easy to change to a more severe degree. Especially when mitral valve regurgitation 2/4 accompanied by tricuspid regurgitation, aortic valve or with hypertension, coronary artery disease ... will be more dangerous, need to be treated promptly.
Mitral valve regurgitation 3/4 - severity This stage symptoms such as shortness of breath, angina, palpitations, fatigue, dry cough will flare up at the same time and the patient must be hospitalized frequently. than. Many patients with 3 and 4 mitral regurgitation need valve replacement.
Mitral valve regurgitation 4/4 - very severe degree This is the most severe degree of valve regurgitation, patients are at high risk of death from heart failure, arrhythmias, acute pulmonary edema and acute asthma attacks. In this case, the patient needs active treatment or intervention to replace the heart valve.
So your mother's case is mild. Treatment decisions depend on your mother's symptoms and other cardiovascular problems.
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Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention - Cardiology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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