What is mental retardation?

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Mental retardation is not a disease but a defect in brain development. Children often have limited daily living skills, as well as lower IQ than normal people.

1. Mental retardation

Mental retardation is a disability of brain development. Children with mental retardation have lower intelligence than normal, IQ less than 70, and daily living skills as well. is limited.
Psychomotor retardation is often limited or delayed in some skills such as movement, communication, play, social skills,... Children have many difficulties in learning and absorbing knowledge. As a result, these children often take longer to learn to speak, learn to walk, and learn to take care of themselves in daily needs such as eating, personal hygiene, dressing,...

Chậm phát triển tâm thần là một khuyết tật của sự phát triển trí não
Chậm phát triển tâm thần là một khuyết tật của sự phát triển trí não

Children with mental retardation are a risk defect that is unintended and is accompanied by mental retardation. Therefore, children need to receive sympathy, love and respect from family and community. Children need to receive the same medical, educational and social guarantees as other normal children. With appropriate educational support and guidance, children will develop necessary skills for life and reduce the burden on family and society.

2. Classification of mental retardation

Mental retardation is divided into 4 levels including:
Mild: children with IQ from 50 to 69. Most children with mental retardation belong to the mild group, accounting for about 85%. Children can study up to 6th grade and can live independently with the support of family and community. Average: children have IQ from 35 to 49. About 10% of children with mental retardation belong to this group. Children can take care of themselves with guidance, they need to go to special schools to learn the skills they need to live in the community. Severe: children with IQ from 20 to 34. Only about 2-3% of children with mental retardation belong to this group. Children need to go to special schools to learn basic skills so they can take care of themselves and develop a number of other essential skills. Very severe: children with IQ below 20. About 1-2% of children with mental retardation belong to this group. Children often have neurological damage and need regular monitoring and help.

Chậm phát triển tâm thần được chia thành 4 mức độ dựa trên chỉ số IQ của trẻ
Chậm phát triển tâm thần được chia thành 4 mức độ dựa trên chỉ số IQ của trẻ
To assess the degree of mental retardation, people often rely on the assessment of the IQ quotient, children with mental retardation have low IQ intelligence quotient. The measurement of the intellectual quotient is performed by psychologists or psychiatrists. There are many types of tests that have been used by experts to assess mental development such as raven, unit,...

3. Symptoms

Children with mental retardation are usually detected at school age, have difficulties in learning process and have abnormal behavior. Children with mental retardation may have some symptoms as follows:
Slow in motor development: children are slow to turn over, sit, crawl and walk. Speech delay or difficulty speaking. Difficulty remembering events. Lack of understanding of basic social laws. Not aware of the consequences of their actions Difficulty self-catering basic needs such as: self-feeding, personal hygiene. Difficulty thinking rationally. Overactive, inattentive, aggressive, rebellious, self-injurious. Mood anxiety, depression Sleep disorders.

Trẻ chậm phát triển tâm thần thường được phát hiện khi ở tuổi đến trường
Trẻ chậm phát triển tâm thần thường được phát hiện khi ở tuổi đến trường

4. Treatment of mental retardation

Children with mental retardation will receive special education and training. The content of children's learning at special schools focuses on helping children develop skills:
Communication Self-care such as bathing, eating, changing clothes, brushing teeth, going to the toilet,... Learning understand general knowledge of basic personal health and safety; Help with household chores such as sweeping, washing dishes, setting the table Practice socializing, learn to understand common rules of behavior Learn to read, write and do simple calculations As children mature, they will learn simple jobs and create stable jobs for children. In addition, parents need to spend a lot of time close to and help their children in daily activities. Achieving good results requires close cooperation between health facilities, schools and families to provide children with optimal care in many areas.
In a nutshell, mental retardation is a defect in the development of the brain. Children often have limited daily living skills, as well as lower IQ than normal people. Therefore, children need to receive more help than other children, child care needs to be patient and appropriate to the child's level. Families with mentally retarded children can consult a psychologist or psychiatrist for better child care measures.
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