Children's Developmental Scale (DENVER II)

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The scale to evaluate the development of children was first applied in 1967 and until 2004. The National Children's Hospital has researched and standardized the DENVER II test to be suitable for children in Vietnam. So what is test DENVER II and how is the test execution process?

1. The role of child development assessment

The assessment of children's development is extremely important because in the first years of life from birth to 6 years old, children often have strong development in motor, language, cognition, emotion. Sensory... Measures to assess children's development help early detect developmental delays right from the first 6 years of life and from there have timely intervention measures for children.
Parents, teachers or doctors need to assess children's development continuously, including:
Assessment of motor development Assessment of language development Assessment of cognitive development evaluate emotional and behavioral development.

2. History of the development scale of children

Children's development scale for the purpose of psycho-motor assessment of young children. The rating scale with the full name is the Denver Developmental Screening Test, which was developed and applied by the authors at the Denver medical center for the first time in 1967.
In 2004, the National Children's Hospital released data. DENVER II test has been standardized in 20 countries and used for more than 50 million children worldwide, including Vietnam.
In Vietnam, the denver test was first used in 1977 at Bach Mai Hospital and since 2000, the National Children's Hospital has continued to research and standardize it into the DENVER II test with some changes to suit Vietnamese culture and environment.
Test DENVER II is a scale to assess the development of children in terms of psychology and movement between the ages of birth and 6 years old. This test does not assess IQ because the IQ test is only applicable to children 7 years of age and older. The DENVER II test is also used in case you want to compare a child's psychomotor and motor development with other children of the same age. However, the child development scale is not predictive of the child's later development.
Test DENVER II is a fairly comprehensive assessment of child development and focuses on 4 areas:
Personal - social area: The test helps doctors assess a child's ability to recognize themselves, How do you take care of yourself and how do you interact with others? Fine motor area - adaptive: This is a test focusing on the dexterity of the hands and eyes of the child Language area: Assessing the ability to listen, respond to sounds, play children's sounds, listening comprehension and talking. Gross motor area: Assess the development of whole body motor, balance ability of children...

Thang đánh giá sự phát triển ở trẻ em mục đích đánh giá tâm lý - vận động của trẻ
Thang đánh giá sự phát triển ở trẻ em mục đích đánh giá tâm lý - vận động của trẻ

3. DENVER II test execution process

3.1 Necessary tools for the testing process

Tools for performing the DENVER II test include 11 main tools and 4 supporting tools
Main tools:
Drawings and test sheets A ping pong ball made of red wool Dice with a handle 1 clean jar, mouth about 2 cm Ten raisins 10 2.5cm square wooden blocks A pencil White paper Plastic cup with handle 1 pc A doll and milk bottle A tennis ball Supporting tools:
Test table and chair Towel or cushion so the baby can lie on the table Toys to get to know the baby

3.2 How to read the information on the test sheet

The test sheet includes the left vertical axis representing the 4 test areas mentioned above, the upper horizontal axis is the age of the child, under 2 years old each bar corresponds to 1 month old, after 2 years old each line corresponds to 3 months of age.
How to calculate the child's age as follows: Let the child's age be X years, Y months, Z days. For example, a child born on April 20, 2019 and the test date is May 18, 2021, the child's age is calculated as follows:
X= 2021-2019 = 2 Y = (5-1) - 4 = 0 Z = (18 +30) - 20 = 28 So the child's age is 2 years 0 months 28 days.
In the test sheet, there will be 125 behavior patterns and are arranged respectively into 4 parts, under each behavior there is a rectangular box to record the results:
Personal - social part: 25 behaviors The motor part fine-adaptive : 25 behaviors Linguistic part: 39 behaviors Gross motor part: 32 behaviors.

Dụng cụ để thực hiện bài test DENVER II (thang đánh giá sự phát triển ở trẻ em)
Dụng cụ để thực hiện bài test DENVER II (thang đánh giá sự phát triển ở trẻ em)

3.3 Steps to test DENVER II

The child development test consists of 7 steps, here are the steps to conduct the DENVER II test:
Step 1: Enter the child's date of birth and calculate the exact age of the child as of the time of the test. test Step 2: Draw the age line on the form Step 3: Identify the behaviors that need to be tested based on the child's age Step 4: Take turns performing the behaviors identified in the step above Step 5: Record the results Put results in each box below the actions with the letter "T" can do, "K" cannot do, "R" does not want to do or does not have the opportunity to do. Step 6: Summarize the results Step 7: Answer the results to the parents.

4. What do DENVER II test results reflect?

The results table returned to parents includes 4 parts: Personal information of the child, test results, advice for parents and notes.
The test results will include the following four criteria:
Normal: The child is assessed as normal when there are no signs of developmental delay and at most 1 risk sign Suspicious: The test has 2 or more signs. risk sign or more or 1 sign of developmental delay. For doubtful results, the doctor will ask the child to take the DENVER II test after about 2 weeks. Developmental delay: In 2 test areas at least 2 signs of developmental delay Inconclusive: If the child is uncooperative on a criterion that lies to the right of the age line or passes through the 75-90% zone of the that criterion. The assessment of children's development is extremely important because the first years of life from birth to the age of 6, children often have strong development. Currently, the child development scale is available in Vietnam, helping parents early detect the child's psychomotor development status so that they can soon have an examination and intervention when necessary. .
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