What is Europlin 25mg?

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Eupolin medicine contains Amitriptyline HCl which belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs. The drug is effective in the treatment of depression, especially endogenous depression, and the drug has little effect on reactive depression. However, some people using the drug may experience unwanted side effects including dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, hypomania... Therefore, it is necessary to consult and appoint a doctor in the treatment. Use eupolin for treatment.

1. Mechanism of action of the drug Eupolin

What is Europlin 25mg? Eupolin 25mg is used as a tricyclic depressant, sedating and reducing anxiety. Eupolin has the active ingredient amitriptyline, which inhibits noradrenaline, serotonin and monoamines in monoaminergic neurons. Besides, the drug also has the effect of re-entering noradrenalin, which is effective in anti-depressants. In addition, amitriptyline has anticholinergic effects in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
When the drug Eupolin 25 mg when taken into the body, it has the ability to absorb quickly when used orally with an interval of 30 to 60 minutes. As for the intramuscular form, the compound amitriptyline can be completely absorbed after 5 to 10 minutes. The drug Eupolin is distributed in the body will bind to proteins in the blood plasma and tissues of the body. The metabolism of amitriptyline is carried out by N-Nethyl reduction and hydroxylation in the liver.
Elimination of the amitriptyline compound of Eupolin takes about 24 hours. However, practically the entire dose is eliminated as glucuronic or sulfate conjugated metabolites. Furthermore, a small amount of amitriptyline is not metabolized but is excreted in the urine. The half-life of Eupolin is between 9 and 36 hours.

2. Indications, contraindications and dosage of Eupolin

2.1. Indications and contraindications to the use of Eupolin Eupolin 25mg is used to treat patients with depression, especially endogenous depression with manic-depressive psychosis. However, the drug Eupolin has little effect on cases of reactive depression or some children with nocturnal enuresis.
Besides, Eupolin medicine will be contraindicated in some cases such as:
People who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient AMitriptyline HCl or the medicinal ingredients of Eupolin. Patients who are in the acute recovery phase from acute congestive heart failure or patients with myocardial infarction. Patients who are taking MAOIs - a class of antidepressant drugs used to release brain and nerve stimulants. Or patients who use the drug within 14 days of treatment with MAOIs Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use Eupolin Children under 12 years old should not use Eupolin 2.2. Dosage and use of the drug Eupolin Eupolin is made in the form of tablets and is used orally. Patients should take the drug with a full glass of water to help reduce intestinal irritation during the medication. Besides, when taking the drug, the patient should take the tablet whole, the patient should not crush or chew the medicine before using or swallowing.
The dose of Eupolin 25 mg may depend on the patient's health condition as well as the degree of pathological development of the patient. Based on the actual diagnosis, the doctor will have specific instructions for each patient.
For adults, an initial dose of 75mg/day can be used. The drug is divided into several uses. The drug can be gradually increased during treatment from 25mg to 150mg / day depending on the indications and instructions of the treating physician. The maintenance dose can be adjusted according to the body's response to the drug.
For the elderly when using Eupolin, it is necessary to follow the instructions and instructions of the treating specialist.
The dosage instructions above are for reference only. If the patient needs to be treated with this drug, they should carefully study the information of the drug, and consult and prescribe the drug use of the doctor.
In case the patient forgets to take the medicine, take the missed dose as soon as he remembers. However, if the missed dose is close to the next dose, the patient can skip the missed dose and take the next dose. Patients should be careful not to double the dose if they forget, and this can cause unwanted effects when overdosed.
With cases of overdose of Eupolin, you may experience signs such as drowsiness, confusion, or some people experience convulsions, seizures, or loss of concentration, dilated pupils, rhythm. heart beats faster/or slower/or irregularly. Some patients may experience hallucinations, agitation, shallow breathing, fatigue, shortness of breath ... When an overdose is detected, support and symptomatic treatment can be applied to reduce minimize the effects on the body.

3. Some notes when using Eupolin

Using Europlin 25mg drug requires the guidance and prescription of a specialist. Besides, before using the drug, the patient needs to make sure the benefits that the drug can bring compared with the unwanted risks. With some of the following cases when using Eupolin, special caution should be exercised:
People with disease or history of seizures Patients with glaucoma, narrow-angle glaucoma Patients with urinary retention People with a history of / are suffering from Cardiovascular diseases Patients with hyperthyroidism / using thyroid drugs People with a history of / are suffering from liver failure, kidney failure, blood disorders Subjects often work as drivers, operate machinery. Because the active ingredients in Eupolin, especially amitriptyline HCl, can cause severe dizziness and drowsiness. Moreover, with some cases of using Eupolin 25mg, it may cause unwanted side effects such as: weakness, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, excitability, hypomania, confusion. Digestive disorders ... When experiencing these symptoms, the patient should talk to the doctor so that he can perform examinations and tests to find out the specific cause and support the symptomatic treatment process.

4. Drug interactions

Eupolin has the potential to cause interactions with other drugs during treatment that can increase or decrease the effectiveness of the treatment, and even cause dangerous effects on the patient's health.
For monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the interaction with Eupolin can make the interaction potentially fatal. For phenothiazine compounds, when combined with Eupolin may increase the risk of seizures Approximately 300% Anti-conception drugs used in pill form, or sex hormones when used in combination with Eupolin can increase the availability of the compound amitriptyline in Eupolin. Physostigmine used in combination with the drug Eupolin can reverse the effect of the active ingredient amitriptyline on the central nervous system in the treatment of diseases such as delusions, confusion, coma. At the same time, the active ingredient in the drug can affect the heart rhythm or impulse conduction disorder. Levodopa used in combination with Eupolin enhances the action and anticholinergic effects of tricyclic antidepressants. It also slows down gastric emptying and reduces the bioavailability of levodopa. Cimetidine used in combination with the drug Eupolin may increase the ability to inhibit the metabolism of the active ingredient amitriptyline and increase the concentration of the drug in the blood. Prolonged exposure can cause poisoning. Guanadrel, clonidine and guanethidine concomitant use with Eupolin may lower blood pressure. Use of Eupolin with sympathomimetic drugs may affect and increase cardiovascular effects, leading to cardiac arrhythmias. , severe hypertension, tachycardia, or high fever.

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