What is Eska Folvit?

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Eska Folvit is a multivitamin that provides women with the important nutrients their bodies need when trying to conceive, during pregnancy and when breastfeeding after giving birth. While a healthy diet is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need, knowing what Eska folvit is and how to use it will help fill in any vitamin gaps. How much to give your baby the best start from the fetal stage.

1. What is Eska folvit?

Eska folvit is a multivitamin tablet with ingredients suitable for the female body in the reproductive stages as follows:
Iron Sulfate: 150 mg Folic Acid: 0.5 mg Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) : 50 mg Thiamin mononitrate: 2mg Riboflavin: 2mg Pyridoxine: 1mg Nicotinamide: 10mg Accordingly, the role of using Eska folvit for the female body, especially the need for more folic acid and iron than usual, is because:
Iron is an important component in the development of the placenta and fetus. Iron helps the body quickly make blood to supply oxygen to the fetus. Iron also helps prevent iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which the blood has a low number of healthy red blood cells. Folic acid will prevent neural tube defects. These malformations are serious abnormalities of the fetal brain and spinal cord. Ideally, women should start taking folic acid supplements at least 3 months before becoming pregnant. In addition to folic acid and iron supplements, Eska folvit or prenatal vitamins also contain other ingredients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc and iodine, to promote growth comprehensive for the fetus.

2. How to use Eska folvit

Ideally, a woman should start taking a vitamin supplement with Eska folvit before conception. In fact, women of reproductive age should regularly take prenatal vitamins as an ideal condition in the three months before pregnancy. This is because the baby's neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops during the first month of pregnancy - possibly before a woman knows she is pregnant.
Eska folvit is taken once a day and is taken orally by mouth. The recommended time to take the drug is in the morning, after a full breakfast of the day to ensure the most thorough absorption of vitamins and minerals.
In case a woman forgets to take a pill in the morning, she can take it after the next meal of the day, such as after lunch or dinner. However, if you forget to take a pill for the whole day, do not take an extra pill to make up for the missed dose the next day to avoid overdosing.
Besides, do not be too dependent on taking Eska folvit medicine that ignores attention to a diet full of necessary nutrients. This is because fetal development requires more nutrients than the ingredients in one Eska folvit tablet. For example, the fetus also needs omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat found naturally in many fish, which helps promote brain development of the baby. Since Eska folvit does not contain this ingredient, and if a woman does not eat fish or other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids with another synthetic drug may should be considered.

3. Possible side effects when taking Eska folvit

The side effects that may be encountered when taking Eska folvit medicine are mainly caused by the iron component in the drug. Most often, iron will contribute to constipation and digestive disorders. To prevent this phenomenon, users should:
Take the drug after meals, to avoid irritating effects on the digestive tract, easy to cause abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting Drink more water, eat more fiber in the diet Daily diet, gentle exercise to avoid constipation In summary, although prenatal vitamin supplementation cannot replace the benefits of a well-rounded diet, the use of Eska folvit can can help ensure a woman's body receives the right balance of nutrients before, during, and after pregnancy. In addition, women also need to know what the ingredients in Eska folvit are so that they can actively use them from the time they plan to get pregnant as well as pay attention to supplementing with nutritional ingredients from other sources. Eska folvit does not have.
References: lancastergeneralhealth.org; verywellfamily.com; planned parenthood.org; mayoclinic.org.

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