What does the vitamin B12 test mean?

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Vitamin B12 is an essential substance for the body to participate in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow and nerve sheaths. Vitamin B12 deficiency or excess is not beneficial for the body. Screening for some diseases caused by excess or deficiency of vitamin B12 is essential.

1. When to get tested for vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, nerve sheaths, and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 cannot be synthesized by the body, but must be supplemented through food and absorbed in the ileum. When the body lacks B12 will cause anemia, in pregnant women if not enough B12 intake increases the risk of neural tube defects in the baby, increases the risk of mental and neurological diseases. As such, vitamin B12 is of great significance to the body, so testing in certain subjects is essential to determine the degree of excess or deficiency of this vitamin.
Some people who need vitamin B12 testing include:
People with risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency such as: People with a history of stomach or intestinal surgery, small bowel problems or people with a family history of deficiency large red blood cells. Find the cause in some people with reduced mental capacity or other peripheral nervous system symptoms such as itching, burning, or numbness in the arms or legs. Evaluation of vitamin B12 deficiency in individuals diagnosed with atrophic gastritis. Some people have signs such as: Or dizziness, fatigue, fast heart rate, shortness of breath, digestive disorders... Find the cause of some anemia.

Vitamin B12 cơ thể không thể tự tổng hợp được mà phải bổ sung thông qua ăn uống và được hấp thụ tại hồi tràng.
Vitamin B12 cơ thể không thể tự tổng hợp được mà phải bổ sung thông qua ăn uống và được hấp thụ tại hồi tràng.

2. Steps to conduct vitamin B12 test

When testing for vitamin B12, the patient will be carried out according to the following steps:
Step 1: The patient needs to fast for 10-12 hours before the test, then take about 3ml of venous blood. from the patient into a test tube containing anticoagulant.
Step 2: Centrifuge the collected blood to separate serum or plasma.
Step 3: Take the prepared specimen into the analyzer with the vitamin B12 test program installed. Check the quality of the machine with the vitamin B12 test. Order the analysis to be performed, wait for the analyzer and receive the results.
Step 4: Determine the results
Normal serum vitamin B12 levels for newborns are 160-1300 pg/mL or 118-959 pmol/L and adults 220-925 pg/mL or 162-683 pmol /L Elevated: Elevated vitamin B12 occurs infrequently. It can be seen in some medical conditions such as chronic myeloma, hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes, obesity, heart failure. Or in non-pathological cases such as using high doses of vitamin C or vitamin A, estrogen also causes an increase in vitamin B12. Decrease: It is rare to see vitamin B12 deficiency alone, may be seen in cases such as pernicious anemia, gastric or intestinal resection, macrocytic anemia, inadequate supply, anemia due to deficiency. B9...

Quy trình xét nghiệm vitamin B12
Quy trình xét nghiệm vitamin B12

3. Meaning of vitamin B12 . test

The excess or lack of vitamin B12 is not beneficial to health, especially vitamin B12 is very important, to identify this condition needs to be tested. Some important meanings of the vitamin B12 test include:
Vitamin B12 index test helps clinicians diagnose the cause of some diseases such as diseases of the nervous system, anemia. big bridge. From there, an accurate treatment plan is devised. Help early assess the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in high-risk subjects, in order to supplement the necessary amount early to avoid dangerous complications caused by vitamin B12 deficiency such as: myelin degeneration of the nerve causing signs on nerves, blood diseases... Help monitor the treatment process: For patients with conditions that cause vitamin B12 deficiency, it is necessary to appoint tests to determine vitamin B12 index to monitor long-lasting therapeutic effect. Early detection of deficiency in children: Children are at risk of micronutrient deficiencies because their diets are not diverse, children are picky eaters, and their illness often reduces their need to eat. vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential substance for the body, in some cases, the determination of the vitamin B12 index is essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of the response to treatment. Those who are at high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency should be examined and tested for early detection to avoid complications caused by prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency.
Therefore, when intending to test for vitamin B12, customers should choose reputable and good quality medical facilities for testing to bring accurate results.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a good quality medical facility, meeting international standards with a system of facilities, modern equipment and machinery, a team of doctors with many years of experience. experience. Thanks to good medical quality, the hospital has achieved many achievements in examining and treating many diseases from simple to complex. The medical examination process at Vinmec is always highly appreciated by experts, so customers can completely trust when choosing a package or single medical examination service at the hospital.

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