What is Duchat?

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Duchat is a medicine with ingredients including minerals and vitamins, used to work for cases of deficiency of vitamins and essential amino acids in the growth process. Let's find out information about ingredients and how to use right in the following article.

1. What is Duchat? Effects of the drug Duchat

What is Duchat medicine? Duchat medicine has ingredients including minerals and vitamins, used for cases of deficiency of vitamins and essential amino acids in the growth process. At the same time, Duchat drug has the effect of treatment, prevention and indication for vitamin deficiency cases such as too strict diet, patients in convalescence period, not eating well, after getting sick, after surgery or infection. .
Duchat medicine is prepared in the form of an oral solution, a viscous yellow liquid is contained in a plastic tube, a box of Duchat has 20 ampoules.

2. In what cases is Duchat contraindicated?

Duchat drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with calcium metabolism disorders (hypercalcaemia and urinary calcium) People with vitamin D overdose Patients with kidney failure, kidney calcium stones People who are using concurrently with other drugs. Other vitamin D-containing preparations or toxicity due to excessive use of vitamin D Patients with PhenylKetonuria Patients who are sensitive to the ingredients of Duchat.

3. Usage and dosage of Duchat

Duchat medicine is taken orally, or the patient can mix it with water or food to use. Patients should take the drug in the morning or lunch for the best effect.
Duchat dosage can be referred to as follows:
Children from 1 to 5 years old: 7.5ml/time x 1 time/day. Children over 5 years old and adults: 15ml/time x 1 time/day. The above dose of Duchat is for reference only, based on the actual condition of the patient, the treating doctor can adjust the specific dose that is most appropriate and effective for the patient.
If the patient forgets a dose of Duchat, take the medicine as soon as possible. However, if the time for the missed dose is too close to the time of the next dose, the patient can skip the missed dose and use the next dose. as indicated. Patients should be advised not to double the dose.

4. Side effects when using Duchat

Duchat medicine is used in the right dose, right indication will not cause any serious side effects affecting the patient's health. If during the use of the drug, the patient has unusual symptoms, immediately notify the treating doctor for timely and effective advice and treatment.

5. What to note when using Duchat?

Before using Duchat medicine, patients need to carefully read the instructions before use, especially comply with the dosage instructions of the treating doctor. Patients should pay special attention not to use the drug in more time and dosage than indicated. Children with hereditary fructose intolerance are not prescribed this medicine. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor before using Duchat to ensure the best safety and effectiveness. Duchat medicine should be stored away from direct light, at a temperature below 30 degrees and out of the reach of children. Patients should not use expired, deformed, or discolored drugs to avoid the risk of poisoning. What is Duchat drug? The question has been answered with all the information provided above. Hope patients have more reference information to use Duchat medicine effectively, avoiding side effects.
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