What is Dognefin used for?

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Sulpiride is known to be a neuroleptic, anti-anxiety agent and is used relatively commonly in clinical practice. There are many products that contain this active ingredient, one of which is Dognefin 50mg. What is the use of Dognefin?

1. What is Dognefin 50mg?

Dognefin 50mg is manufactured by Dong Nai Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. Dognefin has the main active ingredient Sulpiride, 50mg content. Sulpiride belongs to the class of neuroleptics and antidepressant drugs.
Pharmacokinetic characteristics:
Absorption: Dognefin 50 mg after oral administration helps the active substance sulpiride to be absorbed in about 4.5 hours with a peak plasma concentration of about 0.25 mg/l. The bioavailability of Dognefin is about 25 to 35%, especially depending on the individual when there is considerable variation from person to person. Sulpiride plasma concentrations have a linear correlation with the dose used; Distribution: After absorption, Dognefin diffuses rapidly to tissues, especially the liver and kidneys. In addition, the diffusion of Sulpiride to brain tissue is relatively poor, mostly concentrated in the pituitary gland. Dognefin's plasma protein binding rate is less than 40%. The estimated excretion in human milk of Sulpiride is only about 1/1000 of the daily dose, and animal studies with labeled Sulpiride (14C) have shown very poor excretion across the placental barrier; Metabolism: In contrast to animal studies, the active substance sulpiride is very little metabolised in humans, approximately 92% of an intramuscular dose of Sulpiride was recovered in the urine as unchanged drug; Elimination: The plasma half-life of Dognefin is 7 hours, the volume of distribution is about 0.94 l/kg. Sulpiride is excreted mainly by the kidneys through glomerular filtration.

2. What are the uses of Dognefin?

What disease does Dognefin treat?
Dognefin 50mg is indicated for the short-term treatment of anxiety symptoms that have not responded to standard therapies; Certain mental disorders are associated with physical illnesses; Inhibitory neurological status; Adjunctive treatment of peptic ulcers in adults unresponsive to standard therapy; Treatment of severe behavioral disorders including: agitation, self-harm, imitation... in children over 6 years old, especially used in the setting of autism syndrome.

3. Dosage of the drug Dognefin 50mg

Dognefin 50mg drug is prepared in the form of hard capsules for oral administration with the following dosage:
Usual Dognefin dosage in the short-term treatment of anxiety, supportive treatment of peptic ulcers in adults: 1-3 tablets/day, maximum use in 4 weeks; The usual dose of Dognefin in the treatment of severe behavioral disorders in children: 5 - 10 mg/kg/day. The dosage of Dognefin 50mg above is for reference only, the specific dose of Dognefin 50mg depends on the condition and progression of the disease and must follow the instructions or instructions of the doctor or medical professional.

4. What to do when overdose Dognefin 50mg?

In case of an emergency, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest local health station in case of an overdose of Dognefin 50mg.

5. Side effects of Dognefin 50mg

When using Dognefin 50mg, patients may experience undesirable effects:
On the endocrine and metabolic systems: Temporary and reversible hyperprolactinemia, amenorrhea, lactation, breast enlargement in herd he, decreased pleasure or apathy, weight gain ; On the nervous system (rarely at the recommended dose of Dognefin 50mg): Early movement disorders such as torticollis, convulsions, eye rotation, jaw stiffness...; extrapyramidal syndrome, tardive dyskinesia during prolonged treatment, somnolence, somnolence at the beginning of treatment; Side effects of Dognefin 50mg on autonomic nervous system: Orthostatic hypotension.

6. Contraindications Dognefin 50mg

Dognefin 50mg is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to the sulpiride contained in Dognefin 50mg; Patients with known or suspected pheochromocytoma (due to the risk of severe hypertensive events). It is necessary to be very careful when using Dognefin 50mg for patients in the following cases:
Elderly due to high sensitivity to Dognefin 50mg; Since Dognefin 50mg is mainly eliminated by the kidneys, it is prudent to reduce the dose and not to continue treatment with Dognefin 50mg in patients with severe renal impairment; Enhanced monitoring in patients with epilepsy because Dognefin 50mg may lower the seizure threshold; Dognefin 50 mg can be used but caution should be exercised in patients with Parkinson's disease.

7. Drug interactions of Dognefin 50mg

Drug interactions that can affect the activity of Dognefin 50mg or cause side effects:
Contraindicated to combine Dognefin 50mg with Levodopa because it can aggravate mental disorders, act on receptors was blocked by neuroleptics. Caution should be exercised when combining Dognefin 50mg with alcohol and drugs or beverages containing alcohol because it may increase the sedative effect of neuroleptics. Note when combining Dognefin 50mg with:
High blood pressure drugs because they increase the antihypertensive effect and can cause hypotensive (synergistic effect). CNS depressants: Increased CNS depression has the worst consequences, especially in people who must drive or operate machinery. Dognefin 50mg is manufactured by Dong Nai Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. The drug is indicated for the treatment of some neurological diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers in adults. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take drugs according to prescription or consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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